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deaf dogs Re: Placing a puppy with special needs

Thanks, Joan, again for encouraging info!

Re: Placing a puppy with special needs

Betsy, I was a DalmatiAn fancier for 15 years - also involved with rescue, and of course, the deaf Dals that came into rescue. I was brutally honest if the dog was not placeable, but most were. It may sound cruel, but sometimes it is best if the pups are humanely euthanized after the BAER testing as pups. Usually 25% of the litter can be deaf, even to bilateral hearing parents. It's one of those issues that has yet to be solved with a DNA test.

I found a person, who is now a longtime friend, who had a deaf GSD, and she took one of the deaf rescues that I took in. She was a wonderful trainer - her dogs were better behaved than my Dals and Labradors. She trained them to walk off leash with both hand signals and an electronic collar, in fact she took in another deaf Dal, had a controller for 3 dogs, and worked them all off leash at an open-space park because she lived in a townhome with a very small yard. It can be done, but it takes work and dedication, and a special person or family to take in and train deaf animals. You might want to Google Deaf Dalmatian groups, maybe even something on Facebook, Yahoo Groups or Google Groups.

Best of luck to you. My first Dal lost her hearing at close to 15 years of age, we managed - she knew hand-signals anyway. She was very big with eye contact to "read my lips".

Re: Placing a puppy with special needs

I knew a women in town that adopted a deaf Golden puppy.
She did very well with this puppy and taught it hand signals.
The owner was very happy and proud of this Golden. The two were in love and
such a joy to see. There is the right home for this little one waiting!
Meanwhile it sounds like you are giving this puppy some wonderful learning tools.
I wish you and the puppy all the best!

Re: Placing a puppy with special needs

My first question would be why don't you keep the pup and give her a good quality life? I've raised a deaf dog from puppy hood that is now 15 and has lived a very fruitful life; his basic obedience and in-home training was done with hand signals and a laser pointer which was a great motivator for him. I have a multiple dog household and he has blended just fine. His vision is enhanced; he has always seen shadows and movement seconds before the dogs with normal hearing. He can retrieve doubles with the best of 'em which he learned simply by watching the others work; has always loved working and is still going strong.

Re: Placing a puppy with special needs

Thanks for the encouraging words. I have been tempted to keep her, but the reality is, she needs more attention than I know I can give her. I appreciate hearing about your experience and it does make be believe that when she is placed, she will make someone a wonderful companion!

Re: Placing a puppy with special needs

I know of someone who placed a deaf Lab puppy with a family who has a deaf son (older child). All involved thought it was meant to be. The family plans to teach the dog to respond to sign language commands and is used to "beings" that cannot hear. Too soon to say if it will work out perhaps, but there may be a family out that thinks your puppy was meant just for them. I agree with you that the pup is going to get overshadowed by the rest of the pack, my special needs dog often feels left out, and I only have one other dog.

Re: Placing a puppy with special needs

Betsy, you had this puppy at the Boston Specialty and she is a sweetie! Bright and responsive and already responding to hand signals. It will be a special family that gets her - good fortune for the puppy and the family.

Re: Placing a puppy with special needs

Thanks to all who responded with such encouraging ideas and stories. "Helen" has found a forever home with a lovely couple in PA, who have had 2 deaf dogs. They currently have a 12 y/o Lab (deaf) who they rescued, and recently lost their 7 year old Lab (female) to cancer. They are excited about training Helen and integrating her into their home. Again, thank you for all your thoughtful responses.

Re: Placing a puppy with special needs

What wonder news! Sounds Like a wonderful and fitting home.
Wishing Helen all the best. This will be an emotional moment for you
letting go.