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Re: Xrays, skeletons and skulls

losing my mind... Day 56 not day 50....

Re: Xrays, skeletons and skulls

Was the x-ray analog or digital? If it was analog or done on plain film, the technique might not have been adequate or the equipment old. A digital x-ray can be manipulated to adjust contrast, brightness etc. and would tell you more.

I think the pups are probably ok. Try not to worry because your bitch may pick up on your anxiety. The longer you wait to x-ray the more calcified the bones are and maybe your a bit early if they have crummy equipment or poor technique.

Try not to be so anxious the next time and x-ray closer to the whelping date because the developing pups are receiving radiation when you x-ray. A more developed fetus can withstand radiation better. I'm not saying you did anything wrong, I'm just saying it's better to wait all the way around.

Re: Xrays, skeletons and skulls

It'll be fine. If they are moving, what is to worry about? It is probably the x-rays Technic that was off a little. Re-do the x-rays at day 61-62 if you want to have some peace of mind for the delivery. It won't help your bitch if you are all stressed out.

Re: Xrays, skeletons and skulls

Thanks for the replies... The vet is a repro vet with brand new digital equipment. So those are not the reasons.... Yes trying not to stress and think positive... Just looking for others who may have had the same experience with a good outcome... Thank you again.

Re: Xrays, skeletons and skulls

Technology isn't fool proof. Someone recently had a huge litter only saw 7, so were were all the others hiding? If you see skulls, you have babies. It's not like you have little heads growing in there with no bodies. Calm down. Count heads go off that, and the rest will happen as nature intended.

Re: Xrays, skeletons and skulls

Me, thank you for the much needed laugh....

Praying you are all right and fluids, positioning,, timing,,, any of the above are the reason and all is well... God please!!!!!!
Thanks again!

Re: Xrays, skeletons and skulls

Yes, brand new digital equipment can be the issue, it takes a while to learn new equipment, new techniques, it's not like driving a new car. You can't manipulate a poor image. Few doctors will admit their shortcomings even temporary ones in fear that you will view them as incompetent. Just wait it out, don't x-ray again and expose your babies to more radiation. Many people don't realize that radiation is cumulative and does damage cells, it shouldn't be taken lightly and used sparingly.

Re: Xrays, skeletons and skulls

Thank you bones.... No we are NOT planning on another x-ray.. A count would be nice, but we can do without it for the safety of mom and babies...

Re: Xrays, skeletons and skulls

Don't do the X-rays so early. Do them on day 61. What you see (or don't see) is normal. It's too early to see spines.

Re: Xrays, skeletons and skulls

Fluid can hide evidence of any puppies until a day or two before they are ready. We had it happen and were told we had a false pregnancy. All twelve puppies were delivered by C-section and lived.

The female had an abnormal amount of blood in the walls of the Uterus which the Vet had never seen.

Re: Xrays, skeletons and skulls

breeder: I am so happy to read this.... I am trying so hard to be positive... Just heard about a litter recently that had 4 show up and many others were shadows... 7 dead pups ' ( assumed pups didn't calcify for some reason), and 2 live....
It is weighing heavy on my mind at this time... Your reply comes at a time I need to stay positive for my little girl... Thank you!

Re: Xrays, skeletons and skulls

Don't,, it seems more and more I read that breeders don't xray at day 50 even though that is when calcification is supposed to start.....
Maybe they have learned over the years and experience and worry that it's too early for many bitches...

Re: Xrays, skeletons and skulls

Yes, this is what I'm saying. First even though we may pinpoint ovulation, the actual fertilization doesn't take place until the ova are ready, so waiting until day 60-61 makes so much sense. If the spines aren't calcified, or only beginning to calcify, you see nothing. If any pups are tucked up under the diaphragm in the xray, you probably won't even see the skulls. I've had X-rays that count 7-8 pups and wound up with 12. It's so hard to wait until day 60, but you do have a better picture of what to expect.
Many that are dead and never calcified are probably pups that died and mummified due to a progesterone drop after day 50 or so. With many bitches you have to check progesterone to be sure it stays up toward the end so they carry to term.
OP, stop worrying! Good luck!

Re: Xrays, skeletons and skulls

what happened?