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Re: Your stud dog, my stud dog

As a stud dog owner, I bend over backwards to get a breeding to work, charge only a service fee only to have bitch owners back out at the last minute. When the stud dog owner makes all the preparations and arrangements to their schedule and then the bitch owner emails and says, "oh I thought I'd miss my bitch so I bred her to my own dog", well, it's very frustrating as well. It's this type of stuff that just wants to make me use my own dogs and only deal with people who are good to their word. If you say you're going to do it, then do it. If not, you're not worth my time! It works both ways.

Re: Your stud dog, my stud dog

So instead of sending one shipment each if two bitches are ready at the same time, would you rather be the one who gets none while the other bitch owner gets the two? Or are you more special somehow? Do you expect the stud owner to stay home and wait for "the call" no matter what, just to be "fair"? Why do bitch owners expect the stud owner to basically be a slave to them as if no other bitches need to be bred and they have no other responsibilities except collecting their dog for you? If you want proper shipping boxes BUY YOUR OWN and send them to the stud owner. Have a couple of backup stud dogs. Life happens. Stop your bitching.

Re: Your stud dog, my stud dog

I feel that if there are two bitches in season that need to be bred at the same time, and they both want to use the same dog, someone is going to have to use another dog. I don't like splitting semen, or just sending one collection. I wouldn't like it happening to me if the shoe was on the other foot, and would appreciate the honesty of the stud dog owner telling me that someone else was already in for that particular dog.

I ask bitch owners to call me the day that their bitch comes into season, and then update me with progesterone results as she moves along. If someone else calls for the same dog a day or two later, and it looks like they are going to be close to the same schedule,I warn them that I may not be able to ship to them, and that the should have a back up ready.

We all need to work together, shipping costs,and multiple progesterone tests can be costly to bitch owners. To go through that expense and only get 1/2 of a collection, or only be able to get one shipment is not (in my book anyway) quite fair. As a stud dog (and a bitch) owner, I feel a real responsibility to make sure I do everything possible on my end to ensure that we get your bitch pregnant. Stud dog management is a responsibility.


Re: Your stud dog, my stud dog

Some breeder friends wait until their bitch is in season to decide on stud dogs. I have done that but it is not the norm. I usually make a final decision months before my bitch comes in season. I have it all set-up with the stud owner at that time. Then, I call the day she comes in and keep the stud owner informed of all progesterone results.

Given all this communication, the stud owner should have the courtesy to let me know if another bitch is coming in at the same time. Of course, s/he doesn't know that when we initially set it up. But, when I call on the first day of the season, I should be given a commitment at that time for a full collection or given the option of backing out because another bitch just came in too.

I also always have a back-up stud dog in mind in case stud dog #1 falls through for any reason.

$1200 stud fees are too high. This rate is in response to the outrageous prices some people can and do charge for pups. This is a problem with vets too. As they found out how much some people charge for pups, they just raise their repro related prices. Dog food has gone way up too. Everybody wants a piece of the action. It is a never-ending cycle driven by greedy people who forget this is a hobby.

But, if someone is going to charge 1200 and I agree to that given the quality of the dog and the fact that is not an uncommon price now, please don't try to be cheap with your time and only want to send one shipment. All bitches don't "go by the book" and there are too many things that can go wrong to risk a single shipment. I write this totally understanding that if everything goes right, one shipment is all that is needed.

Re: Your stud dog, my stud dog

Hi. I would like to use your dog. My bitch is due in on April 10. What is the stud fee? What service does that include? Do I order and pay for two shipping kits. sent to you when she comes in season or do you provide them? If you provide them, what type of kit do you use? Extender? Do you have plans for other services to other bitches that month? If you do promise other services, will you let me know? If you promise other services after you promise my service, does this mean you will ship my service first on that day? What delivery service do you use? Can you provide priority overnight FedEx?
It's called communication. Geez some folks even have contracts for service.

Re: Your stud dog, my stud dog

I loved dealing with Jill and "Jack" recently. She went out of her way to make it happen--even driving Jack to our repro vet for the TCI. A great experience--I knew what to expect from beginning to end-- and I have 5 beautiful puppies now.

Re: Your stud dog, my stud dog

How is $1200 too much for a stud fee? I know so many breeders selling puppies in excess of $1200 each. I also know so many bitch owners want clearances now not previously offered years back. Those tests cost a lot of money.

Economics teaches about supply and demand. If you want to use a dog in high demand, his supply is limited, the price will be a bit higher. That is basic law. If you don't like it, there are a lot of stud dogs out there. When demand is down, supply is high and price should follow suit.

Makes sense to me.

Re: Your stud dog, my stud dog

I used a stud dog with a $1,200 stud fee, I swallowed hard and used him anyways, my puppies were lovely, and I would use him again. He had what my bitch needed, and I wanted his puppies enough to spend the money.

Re: Your stud dog, my stud dog

Stud fees have been greatly lacking for many years now ... as a stud owner, I for one, am THRILLED that stud owners are finally getting paid what their stud is worth!!! Breeders want the WORLD from a stud dog ... you want quality, Titles, health clearances, proven offspring, semen shipped exactly when you need it, etc ... be prepared to pay or please do not breed. Honestly, if an extra $200 or more is going to upset you on a breeding, you shouldn't be breeding a litter, as you can't afford it. It is SO RUDE for bitch owners to try and "save money" on the Stud side. Simple fact is breeding a litter costs money. Using an outside Stud to improve your next breeding costs money. Stud fees should be even higher, given what puppies are selling for these days. Without the Stud, you'd have no puppies. Stud dog owners invest thousands and thousands into their Stud dog ... in part for YOU bitch owners ... it is a two way street. You don't like my stud fee? You don't have to use my stud dog. I will not work with any bitch owner who balks at my stud fee. That is always a huge RED FLAG to me of trouble to come and someone who can't afford to be breeding in the first place.

Re: Your stud dog, my stud dog


Re: Your stud dog, my stud dog

Remember that this is a 2 part issue.

1) Is $1200 fair?

2) Should a stud owner limit to 1 shipment and/or send half shipments?

If someone charges top dollar, the service should be top notch.

Re: Your stud dog, my stud dog

Answers to those questions can't be answered by a group forum. What you pay and the value you derive from that payment is entirely up to you. So is what I charge for my stud fee. What is it worth to me and what am I prepared to do? You either find value in that or not. If I have one of the best stud dogs and you don't like how I conduct my business then you either have to suck it up and deal with it or go someplace else.

Re: Your stud dog, my stud dog have said it perfectly at 2 levels.

1) Two people can negotiate any business deal that is mutually beneficial.

2) It may not be a good idea for business people to tell customers to "suck it up". It really is just a courtesy thing and it just happens to be dogs that we are talking about here.

Eye of the beholder
Answers to those questions can't be answered by a group forum. What you pay and the value you derive from that payment is entirely up to you. So is what I charge for my stud fee. What is it worth to me and what am I prepared to do? You either find value in that or not. If I have one of the best stud dogs and you don't like how I conduct my business then you either have to suck it up and deal with it or go someplace else.