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Re: Chimera - Siver & charcoal breeder - breeding dilutes -

If I had an AOL account I would submit my comments after this article. Oh well.

I think the silver fad is fading. Word gets around. I feel sorry for some of the owners of silvers because people are now starting to pick on them for supporting these breeder crooks.

Re: Chimera - Siver & charcoal breeder - breeding dilutes -

Not to mention they are dealing with skin issues, temperament issues. The honeymoon is soon over.

Re: Chimera - Siver & charcoal breeder - breeding dilutes -

I have to congratulate the Labrador community because there is less and less people asking for dilute Labradors and more people asking why NOT Silvers or any of the dilute colors. The general public is getting educated and avoiding acquiring a puppy from non reputable breeders.
Kudos to all the Labradors Retriever clubs that are making this possible.

Re: Chimera - Siver & charcoal breeder - breeding dilutes -

I agree, I hear and see less and less talk of silver. Those seaching for a good Lab know they come in three colors. BLACK, YELLOW and CHOCOLATE. They can see on web pages the silver don't look like a Lab. These breeders take advantages mixing the dogs and making some money doing it. Think they might as well get real.