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Re: EIC test

I have done my own at home and you won't get a VPI (Verified Permanent Idetification)number but it can be done. If you have a Stud Dog,I would advise to spend the extra money to have a Vet Tech do it. Talk to your vet they might offer a price discount on an office visit for this as you do not really need to see a "vet" a tech can scan your chip and sign off after the swab is done.

Re: EIC test

My Vet only charged me $18 for the blood draw for EIC. To me, it was a fair amount for both of us and he did get his chip scanned etc....

Re: EIC test

I educated my vet on EIC testing, she will draw blood for me no charge, if I am in the office for something else, for EIC testing. I just make sure I fill out the forms completely, and all she has to do is scan, verify, and sign.