I usually trim the hair away so the air can get to the sore and use a gentomycin spray. In my experiance the gold bond powder just gums up on the sore.
I usually trim the hair away so the air can get to the sore and use a gentomycin spray. In my experiance the gold bond powder just gums up on the sore.
The gold bond powder stops the hot spot from itching.
Convenia injectable. One dose. No Gold Bond. No pain. Within 24 hours its dried up! If I have a hot spot that doesn't improve within a day, off to the vet I go! No more fooling around for a week or more.
Argh. Dont soak with alcohol. That is just mean. Wash it with antibacterial soap or betadine scrub, until all the goo and crush is gone. If you are planning on a show and dont want to trim hair, you can try it without. Dust with Gold Bond powder to dry the ooze. Sometimes an oral antibiotic is necessary. You can aslo use witch hazel, which is not as horrible as alcohol on an open sore.
Alcohol has anesthetic properties. It does not hurt and it doesn't bother more than any other medication applied to damaged skin. Get your facts right before commenting.
Convenia injectable. One dose. No Gold Bond. No pain. Within 24 hours its dried up! If I have a hot spot that doesn't improve within a day, off to the vet I go! No more fooling around for a week or more.
Costs a little bit but worth every penny!
Sue Puff
I would rather my dog fight a regular hot spot without the use of antibiotics. They aren't good for your dog and overuse of antibiotics is a cause of resistant strains. Gold Bond in pretty harmless.
Argh. Dont soak with alcohol. That is just mean. Wash it with antibacterial soap or betadine scrub, until all the goo and crush is gone. If you are planning on a show and dont want to trim hair, you can try it without. Dust with Gold Bond powder to dry the ooze. Sometimes an oral antibiotic is necessary. You can aslo use witch hazel, which is not as horrible as alcohol on an open sore.
Alcohol has anesthetic properties. It does not hurt and it doesn't bother more than any other medication applied to damaged skin. Get your facts right before commenting.
Oh, I have my facts straight. Alcohol hurts way more than just about any other product you can put on raw skin. That is a fact. Whether or not it works better than something else is debatable, but the pain factor is not.
I don't know if this would help, but put some apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle and try that to clean it and then dab dryish with a fresh soft towel. do this 2 -3x a day. Amazing what cider vinegar can do. I've used it on dogs that I groom when they come in with hot spots. I have also done vinegar baths as a final rinse and let them soak when they have a serious problem with skin.
Luckily I've only had one dog get a hot spot(10 years ago) and it was due to a wasp sting to his cheek. It flared up and got ugly fast. I did not shave it and it responded well to Benadryl, Ceph(because it was pussing) and cleaning gently with Betadine and dabbing dry. Keeping it dry is the MOST important. You want it to scab somewhat and heal. Of course they want to rub it if it's on the face like my guy had, but he was actually very good about it and no need for E collar. I would try the cider vinegar if it happened today. Do avoid antibiotics as much as possible.
COLLODIAL SILVER works magic on hotspots!!!! Buy the spray, use it 4 days in a row, either 2-3 daily! Hotspots all gone. Gold Bond powder helps dry it up as well! Trimming the hair while it is oozing will help dry skin as well!
COLLODIAL SILVER works magic on hotspots!!!! Buy the spray, use it 4 days in a row, either 2-3 daily! Hotspots all gone. Gold Bond powder helps dry it up as well! Trimming the hair while it is oozing will help dry skin as well!
Colloidal silver did nothing for my dog's hot spot.