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Re: Canadian microchip

Are you strictly looking to compete in Canada? If you are just looking to compete and not breed then the dog's microchip is insignificant. If you are looking to dual register for purposes of breeding then yes the dog would need a second microchip.

You only need an ERN# to compete.

Re: Canadian microchip

Are you strictly looking to compete in Canada? If you are just looking to compete and not breed then the dog's microchip is insignificant. If you are looking to dual register for purposes of breeding then yes the dog would need a second microchip.

You only need an ERN# to compete.

Oh, OK. So if a Canadian breeder wanted to us my AKC registered stud dog, I would then have to re-chip?

Re: Canadian microchip

No, if you want to register a dog with the CKC, that dog has to be permanently ID'd with either a CKC registered tattoo combination, or a microchip that is recognised/approved by the CKC - a microchip that is universally readable/scanable.

Using your AKC reg'd male on a CKC reg'd bitch has nothing to do with it; if the progeny are to be registered with the CKC they must be permanently ID'd.

Re: Canadian microchip

Thank you!