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Re: Seizure

How is she doing Ann?

research for those interested

Sorry to hear this- you should try to rule out low calcium, including electrolytes, AED levels, glucose, and toxicology screen. As another poster posted, this is not a death sentence. Keep a calendar of seizures, treat your bitch as the vet instructs and if she is pregnant, so be it. Place as pets.
I wish you the best.

This is a little off topic but this just came across my desk, for anyone who might know of dogs affected by seizures:
NC State is hosting a clinical trial for dogs. Info can be found here:

Re: research for those interested

Thank you. All levels are within normal range. I will look into the website you posted.

Re: research for those interested

Check out the food. Some additives can cause seizures. Changing to a non-preserved food made the difference for the one we had. She started seizing at three. After trying different things (since the vet ruled out epilepsy) the dog stopped seizing with the new food. Never had another for the rest of her life.

Re: research for those interested

Seen it
Check out the food. Some additives can cause seizures. Changing to a non-preserved food made the difference for the one we had. She started seizing at three. After trying different things (since the vet ruled out epilepsy) the dog stopped seizing with the new food. Never had another for the rest of her life.

I have never heard of being able to rule out Epilepsy, how exactly did your vet do that? I have heard of ruling out other causes, leading to the diagnosis of Idiopathic Epilepsy. Or finding another cause, therefore ruling out Idiopathic Epilepsy.

Re: Seizure

I had three dogs have seizures when I switched to grain free. Two from one line, one from another. Interestingly -- all within 15 minutes of eating. One day -- all three at the same time. One girl had a second grandmal a week after being taken off the food. Nothing since and it has been over 2 years.

Vet called it quite quickly. Fed milk thistle for 8 weeks to clean out system.

Good luck!

Re: research for those interested

I have never heard of being able to rule out Epilepsy, how exactly did your vet do that? I have heard of ruling out other causes, leading to the diagnosis of Idiopathic Epilepsy. Or finding another cause, therefore ruling out Idiopathic Epilepsy. [/quote]

In my dog, who started having seizures at 6, Epilepsy was ruled out via CT scan. There were changes to the brain that are not seen in dogs with epilepsy. The vet called in the middle of the scan to let me know it was definitely not epilepsy.