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Idexx came back 0.3, repro vet is out of town - when should I retest? Of course we are coming up on a three day weekend. Any suggestions would be very helpful!

Re: Idexx

My last girl's cycle went like this
Day 1 January 28
Day 5 February 1 0.4 ng/ml
Day 8 February 4 0.8 ng/ml
Day 10 February 6 1.4 ng/ml
Day 12 February 8 4.1 ng/ml
Day 13 February 9 artificial insemination
Day 15 February 11 artificial insemination
Day 16 February 12 23.7 ng/ml artificial insemination
Day 73/74 April 10/11 Puppies arrive 9 live 2 stillborn

63 days from 4.1 ng/ml

I would test again on Friday to make sure she's progressing even with the repro vet out of town. A tech can take blood.

I am fortunate that the Idexx lab is upstairs from my vet's office.

Re: Idexx

Testing on Friday is too late as you probably wouldn't get results until early the following week. Test on Thursday for Friday result. then determine where to go.

Re: Idexx

Test on Friday morning, send out Friday morning, if you can get the results back Saturday a.m. Otherwise you'd have to wait. Monday is Labor Day. If you do test on Tuesday you won't get results until Wednesday. That's cutting it a little too close for me. Good luck.

Re: Idexx

I got same day results. So I knew exactly what was going on. I would check with the vet's office to see if they get same day results and test accordingly.

Re: Idexx

I agree, I would test Thurs. for Friday. You get a shipment Sat. That might be the best you can do. Whatever that number is, you might ask for a shipment Tues. for Wed. bet she will be ready about Mon/Tues. of next week.

Re: Idexx

Make sure the tech knows to use a red top non separator tube. This is important with progesterone and I have had to point it out to techs who had no idea.

Good luck with your breeding.