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what up with dogs testing positive for heartworms when on heart worm preventative, such as ivomec, heartgard plus, etc.

i find it strangs that one of mine tested positive, my vets wants me to use doxycycline, and advantage II, no fast kill shots, as it is low antigen. color not as dark as test dog.

does anyone have experience with this.

Re: heartworms

This has been going on for such a long time. This is what happens when you get cheap with the most important ingredient. I wish they'd bring back Interceptor but, as per my recent conversation with Novartis "not anytime soon". I have some Interceptor left and use it from June - September and use (unreliable) Heartgard Plus October - May.

If your dog has tested positive I suggest you call the company who made your heartworm preventative and hold them responsible (as long as you purchased your preventative from either a vet or a Vet Vipps pharmacy).

Re: heartworms

This has been going on for such a long time. This is what happens when you get cheap with the most important ingredient. I wish they'd bring back Interceptor but, as per my recent conversation with Novartis "not anytime soon". I have some Interceptor left and use it from June - September and use (unreliable) Heartgard Plus October - May.

If your dog has tested positive I suggest you call the company who made your heartworm preventative and hold them responsible (as long as you purchased your preventative from either a vet or a Vet Vipps pharmacy).

It has nothing to do with "getting cheap with the most important ingredient."

Re: heartworms

Sentinel has the same active ingredient as Interceptor--it just has a flea sterilzation component that Interceptor doesn't have.

Reistence to medication is the normal evolution of things unfortunately...we have succeeded in getting more and more dogs on heartworm prevention, but then have given the beasties the opportunity to develop resistance because of the wide-spread exposure to the medication.


Re: heartworms

In the past year I have had two test positive for heartworm. Both were on monthly Ivomec doses as a prevenative.

Re: heartworms

Where do you folks live who have Heartworm positive dogs? Pretty scary!
Just a question...have any of these dogs been on breeder administered IVOMEC? The suggested dosage for this varies all over the place. But, maybe a slightly higher dosage than is found in doctor prescribed monthly treatment is the way to go.
I treat with IVOMEC. I use .25 cc's for my 65-70 bitches and .35 cc's for my 80-90 pound dogs. Many breeders are using up to 1 cc/month.

Luckily, I have never had a heartworm positive dog.

Re: heartworms

The slow kill method is what causes heartworms to become resistant.

Re: heartworms

In the past year I have had two test positive for heartworm. Both were on monthly Ivomec doses as a prevenative.
Do you mean the medication 'Ivermectin' or a brand name called Ivomec?

I don't know of any breeders using Ivermectin at the proper dosage that have dogs with heartworm ever.

Re: heartworms

In the past year I have had two test positive for heartworm. Both were on monthly Ivomec doses as a prevenative.

It's my understanding that once you dilute the liquid ivomectin it doesn't have a long shelf life. Dilution errors are common too.

Re: heartworms

I don't dilute it. I have a large syringe and pull up the correct amount for each dog. I put each dose on a little piece of bread and put it atop the food in each bowl.