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Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

Anyone have info for nursing mom with diarrhea? A rescue friend sent me this to use on her; pups are almost 2 weeks old. Just want to be sure safe for pups via milk. Sounds like it should be since some are saying use on pups directly at as early as 2 weeks old! Anyone out there used this on nursing/lactating dog? Thanks!

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups?? Found This

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

I used Baycox for Piglets (50g/L) for the first time with my last litter. I have been a breeder for over 20 years and except for the first litter, my puppies always got coccidia at week 5.
My last litter was the healthiest litter I have ever had. I used Baycox at 3, 5, and 7 weeks dosing the puppies at .4mls per 2.2 pounds.
You can not get Baycox here in the USA but have to order it from Australia. With great trepidation, I did from Vet-N-Pet. It is expensive but there is a long expiration date.
Interestingly, before using Baycox, the male puppies got what we all thought was a precursor of Strangles. They had a few tiny blisters on their eyes and their bellies but no lymph involvment.They were treated with antibiotics but no prednisone. The Baycox litter did not have this. From reading another recent Forum story, it seems that these blisters are probably from the vaccine the puppies got. My feeling is that coccidia really challenges the immune system and that vaccination just pushes the immune system over the top.
I currently have a six week old litter that has received two doses of Baycox at 3 and 5 weeks. . . no coccidia.

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

5% suspension
.2 ml per lb
no prescription
received it in 2 days with regular shipping.

very pleased with the results at the above dosage.
have always used ponazuril in the past, this works just as well for half the cost.

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

Is Baycox also Baytril or just 2 similar sounding drug names? TIA for a reply.

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

I used Baycox for Piglets (50g/L) for the first time with my last litter. I have been a breeder for over 20 years and except for the first litter, my puppies always got coccidia at week 5.
My last litter was the healthiest litter I have ever had. I used Baycox at 3, 5, and 7 weeks dosing the puppies at .4mls per 2.2 pounds.
You can not get Baycox here in the USA but have to order it from Australia. With great trepidation, I did from Vet-N-Pet. It is expensive but there is a long expiration date.
Interestingly, before using Baycox, the male puppies got what we all thought was a precursor of Strangles. They had a few tiny blisters on their eyes and their bellies but no lymph involvment.They were treated with antibiotics but no prednisone. The Baycox litter did not have this. From reading another recent Forum story, it seems that these blisters are probably from the vaccine the puppies got. My feeling is that coccidia really challenges the immune system and that vaccination just pushes the immune system over the top.
I currently have a six week old litter that has received two doses of Baycox at 3 and 5 weeks. . . no coccidia.

Off topic, I order my Frontline Plus from AU and it's the cheapest price I have ever found.

My guess is that this Baycox is probably cheaper in AU then it would be if distributed in the US. It sure sounds like it's worth the money. If I have younger or smaller girls I split the 88-132lb in half. It saves alot of money if I have a 2 girls at 55lb each so I always have both the Lg and XLG. A big boy [not a fat boy] of lets say 96 to 100lb really needs the larger size anyway

Has anyone spoke to Hutch about it yet for coccidia? If not, I may before going ahead and ordering it. I'll be glad to share his reply.

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

Is Baycox also Baytril or just 2 similar sounding drug names? TIA for a reply.

NOT the same drug.

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

Is Baycox also Baytril or just 2 similar sounding drug names? TIA for a reply.

NOT the same drug.

I was just askin'........ poster''NO''. The caps lock key was'nt needed for ''NO & NOT'' but ty for your reply.

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

I use it on my puppies. You can safely use it from day 3. If it is safe for 3 days old puppies, it should be safe to give to the lactating mother.

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

The generic is called toltrazuril

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

What about for pregnant bitches? Anyone using it safely or should we just wait until after whelping?

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

I order from the same place, been using it for 4 years with great results.

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

Hoe often is it given?

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

How many doses of toltrazuril for coccidia do you give? Can you use it somehow to prevent it from coming back after it's been treated? I have dogs who always have something in their mouths and often it is dirt or rabits feces when they can find it.

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

How many doses of toltrazuril for coccidia do you give? Can you use it somehow to prevent it from coming back after it's been treated?

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

How many doses of toltrazuril for coccidia do you give? Can you use it somehow to prevent it from coming back after it's been treated?

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

Hi to all. This is my first post and this topic is very interesting to read and share. I own a pet shop and i breed my own small breed puppies like Teddy bear, Shihtzu, Miniature Pomeranian etc....sorry i'm not posting to advertise my shop but i found this topic important to share with.
Before i started breeding my own dogs, i used to buy puppies from this and that and yes i experienced puppies with Coccidiosis. Of course, Albon is the best med found in the USA to treat this parasite but i found it to work faster and will give a better result when mixed with Amoxicillin and both must be provided for 10 days treatment. I also use Safe Guard liquid (Fenbendazole) to prevent/treat Giardia at the same time i use the mentioned 2 meds.
Regarding Toltrazunil, these days some USA vets started to experimenting it on some breeder dogs that i know and they found it to work perfectly.
I use it in all my pets especially, rabbits and all bids and found it to work as a prevention and cure as well. Since am able to get Albon, Amoxicillin and Fenbendazole as a prevention i had no need to use Toltrazunil on my puppies yet (Thanks God) because Since i started breeding my own dogs i haven't had one puppy infected with cocci (Thanks God) because i keep their kennels and water/food dish sanitized/bleached frequently (NO Offend to any one), but who knows things happened hopefully not.

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??



Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

we have used the generic many times and it works great

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

Try they have better shipping rates

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

I wholeheartedly agree with use of toltrazuril (generic for Baycox) at dosage above. Excellent results!

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

Baycox is not FDA approved in the US but is approved by the regulatory agencies in Canada, the UK, Australia, Germany, and a few other foreign countries. I read a warning about ordering in the US that the product is coming from another country via the black market. However, I have been struggling with coccidia for over 3 months in 3 kittens that I took in from an abandoned mother cat at Bojangles. It's is said that healthy adults will not get coccidia but I now have 7 additional cats with it, infected from the kittens. It did take a long time for kittens to make the adults sick though. We tried several courses of ponazaril, albon, pancur, flagyl, zithromax, and probiotics. With no results from any of the above treatments I took a chance and ordered Baycox (toltrazuril) 5% oral solution 200mL. Some sites are misleading and make it seem like u only need about 2 mL for a full course but that is incorrect. For a litter of 4 kittens u would need 4-5 mL for a full course. My order took about a week arrive...I just received it today so I can't tell u how effective it is yet. The best dosage information I could find is Baycox 5 % solution (50mg/mL) cat dose 10 mg/kg of body weight (4.5 mg/lb)(1lb=0.45kg). Exp. A 2 lb kitten would receive 0.2ml. Give dose once a day for 3 days then stop, repeat course in 7 days for maximum efficacy. I am not an animal health care provider, just a concerned pet parent so all above information is shared on the basis that it is followed at your own judgement discretion. And I hope any sick babies can benefit from information shared.

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

I have too ordered Baycox. However, my purchase was from a Canadian origin and in my opinion was relatively inexpensive compared to other meds. I ordered and received on 1 weeks time Baycox 5% oral solution 200mL for $49.95 plus shipping/handling which varies depending on where it is shipped to. For me S&H was $8.95 so total cost was $58.90. Racehorse meds was their site. I googled Baycox 5% oral solution and this site was in the top 5 results.i don't know how much u are paying to the site u found but maybe this will help save u some money.

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

Contrary to the belief that bleach kills everything.... coccidia is not killed by bleach or Lysol for that matter. The only cleaner/disinfectant that KILLS coccidia is ammonia mixed at a minimum of 10 % solution. A little stronger is better. I mix it at 1 to 4 ratio... One part ammonia 4 parts water. Be very careful not to mix ammonia with products containing bleach as the results can be deadly to u as well as the pups. Wait several hours after cleaning with one before u clean with the other. How I ensure my carriers, litter boxes, etc. Are well cleaned and rid of coccidia along with any other "funk" I clean items when they are done being used with bleach in the morning and ammonia at night. Rotating items so they aren't used for atleast 4 hours after being cleaned.

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

Racehorse meds shipped from Canada to US for 8.95 US $. It is a Canadian company so it shouldn't be that expensive to ship within the country.

Re: Baycox (toltrazuril) for coccidia in pups??

So, I have the bottle from Racehorse meds. What would the dosage be for a 40 pound ave size dog be? Next, how many days is it given?