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Re: Something wrong?

My boy didn't cock his leg until the older male that was here before him went to a home near-by. Over the years all my males have done the same, only top male cocks their leg, the others show they are submissive to them by not doing so. My current boy cocks his leg at home but never at shows. He's not dominant in any way. Hips and elbows clear and he's virile.

Re: Something wrong?

I have a boy that's 8 years old and never lifts his leg to pee when he's in our backyard. When I take him for walks he always lifts his leg. I never really thought too much about it. His hips and elbows are cleared.
He must not feel the need to mark trees in your own backyard but does when it's not his turf.

I wouldn't worry about the 2 year old that doesn't lift his leg. I can't stand the males marking everything at shows. Including their owners slacks!