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help! 4 month old squintinting; soap in eye during bath


I gave my 4 month old a bath (dawn soap) and accidently got soap in his eye. I flushed with warm water, and he is still squinting it.

He is supposed to go to his new home tomorrow.

I feel so bad.

I tried to put some eye ointment from the vet on his eye.

This happened about 3 hours ago/

Re: help! 4 month old squintinting; soap in eye during bath

Can you call an emergency vet and ask if the ointment was the right thing to do? You might be trapping soap behind his eye. I would wash with eye copiously with an eye wash and check on the ointment. Don't use human drops just sterile saline.

Re: help! 4 month old squintinting; soap in eye during bath

I would use over the counter eye drops. Artificial Tears, a generic one is fine. It can't hurt. Good luck.

Re: help! 4 month old squintinting; soap in eye during bath

If the puppy is still squinting he should go to the vet. He may have scratched his cornea from rubbing the irritated eye. Squinting means pain....any eye problems are to be considered an emergency. Best of luck...

Re: help! 4 month old squintinting; soap in eye during bath

I tried to wash it out with warm water, and then i used some eye ointment i had from the past from the vet.

we are going to the vet.

Re: help! 4 month old squintinting; soap in eye during bath

You must be careful not to use eye medications that contain steroids such as Dexamethesone or Hydrocortisone in eyes that may have a scratch on the cornea. You can actually do more harm than good. That's why the Veterinarian will stain the eye before prescribing drops or ointment for your dog. The dog can easily scratch the cornea from rubbing an irritated eye....I hope your puppy will be ok.

Re: help! 4 month old squintinting; soap in eye during bath

How is the puppy?

Re: help! 4 month old squintinting; soap in eye during bath

In the future just use Murphy's Oil soap or Dr. bronners Castile.