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Mini Tube AndroPRO ChillGuard LT

Just got off the phone with John from Mini Tube. They have a new extender (10 day) that does not require egg yoke to be added. It's called AndroPRO ChillGuard LT. I can't tell you how many eggs I've ruined trying to get just the yoke!! ;-)

Here's the link to it:


Re: Mini Tube AndroPRO ChillGuard LT

That's why you need chickens Jill!!! Always a fresh one to be had!!

Re: Mini Tube AndroPRO ChillGuard LT

LOL yeah, I need chickens all right. Something else to feed and pick up poop after!!! ;-) You workin' on that Shrimp and Grits luncheon for the Specialty?? YUM