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Huron River Labrador Retriever Club Specialty Show info

Reminder and invitation

HRLRC Fall Specialty is Friday, Sept 27th, and closes next Wed Sept 11th
The Premium and entry forms can be found at
You can also enter online

There are also two great days of Supported entries with the Monroe Kennel Club shows on Saturday and Sunday. Info and entries can be made at

Perfect weather is guaranteed! Come join us.

September 27, 2013 with Supported Entries &
Sweeps on September 28th
Supported Entires on September 29th
Location: Monroe County Fairgrounds, Monroe, MI

Specialty Judges:
All Regular Classes: Manolo Queijeiro (Queijeiro)
All Sweepstakes Classes: Fabian Negron (Beechcroft)

Supported Entries Saturday:
All Regular Classes: Clare Senfield (Allegheny)
All Sweepstakes Classes: Tina Barks (Bellwether)

Supported Entries Sunday:
Virginia Lyne

Re: Huron River Labrador Retriever Club Specialty Show info

Bump. Entries for the specialty can be done online (or fax) until 7pm this evening :)