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Re: Puppies Eyes Not Opening

I don't want to cause more worry, but I'd be afraid there are no eyes, or they are not growing and pushing the skin to open. Yes, get this puppy to an eye specialist. Hope it's alright.

Re: Puppies Eyes Not Opening

How is this little puppy doing? What did the Vet say? I hope the little one will be OK.....

Re: Puppies Eyes Not Opening

Please let us know the results from the vet visit.

Re: Puppies Eyes Not Opening

Yes, please let us all know. It could happen to any of us. We love to learn and I sure hope the puppy is okay. Sorry.

Re: Puppies Eyes Not Opening

So the breeder who posted this never came back on the forum or just chose to never post what happened with her puppy? Did the puppy's eyes open==is the pup ok? Did a vet see the puppy? What happened?

Re: Puppies Eyes Not Opening

Since the original poster has disappeared, I thought I would tell my story. I had this happen to a terrier puppy. Eventually the eyes opened at 4.5 weeks, and they were cloudy. Brought the puppy in to the vet and they said it happens now and then, she didn't know why, and that the eyes will be ok. I didn't believe her, but it was true. The cloudiness went away after a couple weeks, and I kept him a little longer than usual to be sure he had no problems. Brought him in to an ophthalmologist and his eyes were fine. This was 4 years ago and the dog is doing great in a pet home.

Re: Puppies Eyes Not Opening

my experience
Since the original poster has disappeared, I thought I would tell my story. I had this happen to a terrier puppy. Eventually the eyes opened at 4.5 weeks, and they were cloudy. Brought the puppy in to the vet and they said it happens now and then, she didn't know why, and that the eyes will be ok. I didn't believe her, but it was true. The cloudiness went away after a couple weeks, and I kept him a little longer than usual to be sure he had no problems. Brought him in to an ophthalmologist and his eyes were fine. This was 4 years ago and the dog is doing great in a pet home.

Thanks for posting this, very interesting.

Re: Puppies Eyes Not Opening

I had a puppy with one eye that never opened, then did about a quarter of the way. Same thing, cloudy eye. There was some type of infection. Vet prescribed antibiotic and steroid ointment, wanted a very slow recovery, because the fluid in the layers of the eye was actually protective. Eventually, the eye cleared right up and I took the puppy to an eye clinic before placing him. Lived a full life with good vision and no further problems. Here's hoping the OP will report back to us on her little one.

Re: Puppies Eyes Not Opening

Yes, I forgot, it was so long ago. I did put drops in his eyes, too. She didn't say infection, it was just to be safe.