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Re: Thoughts on my girl.....

Have you changed her food or diet in any way? Has she been put on medication for any reason? If not, maybe pull some blood work including a thyroid - it's a starting point.

Also would like to know... what is her age?

Re: Thoughts on my girl.....

I have 2 girls that are late coming into season. It's going on 9 mo. since their last heat but they aren't 6 mo. girls.

I don't have kennel facilities. Although the dogs are all indoors with us when it's been extremely hot, not out in the dog yard; I do believe the weather this year is affecting them. I have 2 others that came in early, actually 3 times in 13 mo. Those 2 usually come in every 5 months and 1 had a split heat years ago.

If things don't change in a few weeks I'm off to the vet.