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Pea Stone Area

I was wondering if I could get any ideas on how to put down pea stone in a large area for the dogs. I put some down for them last year. Put landscaping paper down first, then about 4 inches of pea stone. The only problem is they are starting to dig up the paper. I was wondering what people use to put under the pea stone. I have heard chicken wire works well, but am wondering how people get it to adhere to the ground without coming up through the gravel. What type of chicken wire is the best, and how many inches of gravel on top. Any ideas would really help. Thank you.

Re: Pea Stone Area

We had the same problem. Not with a pee area just with landscaping we have around our deck. We have small river rock. Each one of my 4 Labs dug up the landscaping paper and grabbed the landscaping stakes holding down the paper(fabric). It was a challenge for them. I don't think there is one stake left in the entire area.

Re: Pea Stone Area

I use the lightest chicken wire held down with landscape pins, you have to use a lot of pins. Two inches of pea gravel on top. My dogs are dig crazy, but this worked for me. You can always put another layer of chicken wire on top of everything until they get the idea, it ain't happening, no digging. Good luck

Re: Pea Stone Area

I saw where someone put down the plastic latice under the stone and it works well for them. It was a lab person bt I can't remember who.
It seems like a great idea.

Re: Pea Stone Area

Why do you put anything down under the pea gravel. If my dogs dig in it for fun it just fills in the hole? Maybe our dirt is different.

Re: Pea Stone Area

I think the landscape cloth is to keep the weeds down. I'm wondering if the weeds would be able to grow with 4 inches of pea gravel on top.

I have pea gravel at the moment, but my old girls don't like to walk on it so they are peeing on the sidewalk. Yuck! My area is small so I'm considering replacing the pea gravel with the new style artificial turf. I know it's pricey, but again, it's a small area.

If I decide to keep the gravel, has anyone used the Sweet PDZ on gravel? If so, how do you apply?

Pea gravel user
Why do you put anything down under the pea gravel. If my dogs dig in it for fun it just fills in the hole? Maybe our dirt is different.

Re: Pea Stone Area

You're right about weeds but we don't get them. Maybe the dogs and gravel kill the weeds.

I use Sweet PDZ and sprinkle it light in the urine area.