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Re: Big blow to dog breeders

I wonder is this rule is retroactive. I shipped 3 puppies about 5 years ago but I haven't ship any dogs after that. Anyone care to clarify this?

Re: Big blow to dog breeders

I wonder is this rule is retroactive. I shipped 3 puppies about 5 years ago but I haven't ship any dogs after that. Anyone care to clarify this?
Don't assume but I would imagine that it begins the day legislation does. You should be grandfathered on the past, prior to when or if it becomes law. I believe it is a proposal at the moment.

I don't fall into the categories in this proposal but I still don't like it. It's the beginning of more rights taken away from all Americans.

Who Obama chose is a joke, all AR individuals deliberately. Typical of him, more socialism and this is a form of it! I wonder what the breeders of his dogs think of it?

Re: Big blow to dog breeders

Would this include puppy families who fly to come *personally* pick up their puppy? I can't really choose what method of transportation *they* choose to take their puppy home. Car, train or flying back with pup as carry on.

Or what if the puppy was not sold? Like a pup given to another breeder?

Or What if it was a puppy I bred, but have to ship the puppy to *my* new home?

Just questions that I couldn't seem to find answers for.

Re: Big blow to dog breeders

These are not the everyday cases they are after. As they've said it many times, if you have an sporadic case that you might have to flight a pet that is not being sold, you should call and ask them. They would probably tell you that it'll be ok if it is only one time. I can't be sure this is true or if it will be honored, so please it is your responsibility to call them and ask.

Re: Big blow to dog breeders

A puppy buyer who comes and personally meets you does not cause this rule to engage. So puppy buyers who take their pup home on cargo or carry on would not put you, if you have more than four intact bitches, into needing a license.

As for the others, I, too, cannot see answers to your questions, including the gift pup to a relative. I sure as heck am not going to call up and ask, although I do not have five intact girls nor have I flown a pup sight unseen. I like low profile, and my dogs on a couch and rug if I want them there. If I had five girls intact, maybe I'd call--but that would only be the answer from ONE inspector. If I were going to put myself out there, I'd want the ruling in writing. That opens up other cans of worms, I am sure.

Too bad I wasn't a girly girl who took up knitting and dressmaking as a hobby. It would be a lot more clear cut. Meanwhile, I will preserve my little line.

Re: Big blow to dog breeders

Gift Horse, er, Pup
A puppy buyer who comes and personally meets you does not cause this rule to engage. So puppy buyers who take their pup home on cargo or carry on would not put you, if you have more than four intact bitches, into needing a license.

As for the others, I, too, cannot see answers to your questions, including the gift pup to a relative. I sure as heck am not going to call up and ask, although I do not have five intact girls nor have I flown a pup sight unseen. I like low profile, and my dogs on a couch and rug if I want them there. If I had five girls intact, maybe I'd call--but that would only be the answer from ONE inspector. If I were going to put myself out there, I'd want the ruling in writing. That opens up other cans of worms, I am sure.

Too bad I wasn't a girly girl who took up knitting and dressmaking as a hobby. It would be a lot more clear cut. Meanwhile, I will preserve my little line.

I'll do the same. I don't ship a puppy without the puppy going home with the new owners. I have spayed and intact bitches, 2 of each.

If family wants a puppy, they can come get it or I won't gift to them and I have many times. This won't effect me but I feel for the smaller breeder it will. The problem is what's next especially with the current administration still in and how much will be left over next election? Write to the president, he appointed these people. I already have a few times. I don't even get a form letter back! Nice guy eh? He promised Change. Well here is more Change once again! It's not good Change is it?