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Re: Senior Lab,Degenerative Myelopathy, LP~Help Needed Please

Losing my Senior Lab
Thank you for the replies. They are helpful and so nice of you all to take an interest in my senior girl.

I have taken all of your advice into account. I like the look of the harness for her. That can help us assist her when she has tires out going back into the house. There will be no more loose lead for the vet office although it is rare she needs to go there. The harness will work well if she does need a vet visit. Our vet doesn't want her stressed at all and boy o boy does she get stressed at the vet office. The LP acts up but her gums remain pink.

She is never out long especially in the heat. She bm's immediately while walking b/c of the muscle loss in her rear legs. She then urinates and is then right back indoors with our assistance. The harness will help with that so thank you for pointing me in that direction.

Thank you for all of the suggestions. It will help us keep her even more comfortable which was the reason for my post.

I do enjoy each day I have with her. Please do the same with all of your dogs.
I understand, my senior girl had it too along with a few other ailments including LP which seems to go hand in hand with Degenerative Myelopathy.

We assisted her going in & outdoors to relieve herself with a special harness.

3 feet indoors, a large orthopedic bed was there for her to lie on. The younger girls snuggled with her each taking turns. She almost smiled when they did.

She lived until age 16 with minimal medications. The day her tail stopped wagging, she had to be carried to relieve herself and she turned down her food for 2 full days was when we made an appointment to help her cross over to the Rainbow Bridge. They do tell us when it's time. Our vet came to the home, pre-arranged.

We were fortunate to have her for so long and still think of her daily let her R.I.P.

Best wishes for you and your senior girl.

Went through LP & DM with our old guy...

Mick was a little over 11 when he was diagnosed with the LP. The DM was suspected just a few months before we lost him at 15 1/2. I say suspected because we didn't do any tests, the vet just said he was showing signs of it. At our vet's recommendation, we opted not to put Mick throught the surgery for the LP, but made life style changes instead. I copy & pasted the word document I saved with the things we did for Mick. Also, while this article is geared towards GSD, it has a lot of good info on DM.

As scary as it is, it's important to stay calm when he is having trouble breathing. Stress will make the episodes worse (or bring them on). Just sitting and petting & talking to him during an episode should help.
Heat, humidity, cold and wind will bring on an episode. Not only did Mick wear a coat when it was cold out, but, in the bitter cold or wind he also wore a homemade scarf (the end of a thick hunting sock held in place with a Velcro muzzle).

Also, get her used to drinking out of a spritz bottle. Spritzing some water in her mouth will help end episodes. At first we thought it was the cold water, but eventually we realized it was actually the swallowing that stopped the episodes. You don't want to "flood" him with water, just little bits at a time. Plus it's an easy way to give her a quick drink when you're out someplace.

Avoid putting pressure on her neck. A tracking style harness is great for walking dogs with LP because of how the straps are. Premier's Sure Fit harness is the same style, and what we used. A leash can be clipped to either the ring at the front of the chest or the one on the back.

Oh- if they aren't already- raise her food and water dishes so she doesn't have to stretch her neck to eat or drink. My vet suggested feeding smaller meals more often. When I told him I fed Mick out of a huge dish so the food was spread thin, he said that would work, too. The idea is for them to eat slow.

I put Mick on ArthriSoothe about a year before he was diagnosed. I thought he was slowing down because of arthritis. Eventually I learned it actually had more to do with the LP (acquired LP causes muscle wasting from the rear forward). Anyway, we're thinking the ArthriSoothe was one of the reasons Mick's LP didn't progress as fast as the vet thought it would. Little by little, other supplements were added- MSM, Biotin, Cholodin and Vitamin B Complex.

The biggest mistake we made with Mick was treating him like an invalid after he was diagnosed. He lost a good amount of muscle from lack of exercise in that period. And, with LP, once it's lost, it's gone.
Oh, thinking about the ArthriSoothe reminded me of something else- except for that and the Biotin, all Mick's supplements were crushed. The Biotin was a capsule, so I just opened it and sprinkled it on his food. I bought the horse version of the ArthriSoothe, and adjusted the dosage (more economical that way).

Re: Senior Lab,Degenerative Myelopathy, LP~Help Needed Please

Have heard that vitamin E and other supplements are beneficial for DM. That link provided by the other poster has supplement info in it.

Re: Senior Lab,Degenerative Myelopathy, LP~Help Needed Please

Bless her heart and yours! I went through DM with my girl, rest her soul, and used a sling to help her up steps for a long time. A few weeks before she died I got her a Ruffwear Web Master harness and wished I'd gotten it sooner because it supported her better with the "handle" on her back.

Enjoy every day you're blessed to keep her. Take lots of pictures and make some good memories.

Re: Senior Lab,Degenerative Myelopathy, LP~Help Needed Please

My Saint Bernard has DM. I want to get her on the right medicine and supplements to help her and the doses? She is 9yrs old 109 lbs. bless her heart! I have to do every possible thing for her.

Re: Senior Lab,Degenerative Myelopathy, LP~Help Needed Please

There is a compounded drug from West Lab Pharmacy, Acetylcysteine and Aminocaproic Acid,, they use it for German Shephards, my mom used it on one of her dogs that had similar symptoms and she showed a drastic improvement.

Re: Senior Lab,Degenerative Myelopathy, LP~Help Needed Please

PS; I cried when I read your post initially. It took me a little while to answer because it sounded exactly what we went through with our girl. The pred did help as needed, 1/2 a deramax a few times a week too. I kept saying I was losing my senior girl daily but she rallied, fairly comfortably except for the LP when excited and for food smells also. Pizza deliveries where almost impossible.

Our girl survived 2.5 years after being diagnosed with both. The LP actually got better not worse but never disappeared. Take it 1 day at a time. They may add up.