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Re: the bad seed

Absolutely due to oxygen deprivation. I've seen it in dogs and in humans. The brain needs oxygen and terrible things happen when deprived of it. Sometimes it's small repercussions, other times

So, stick with the dog too, I think it's due to lack of Oxygen but they still can learn and eventually settle down. Try herbals such as melatonin to settle her or ask a holistic vet.

I doubt the issues with this dog was caused by lack of oxygen and what was said doesn't sound like lack of oxygen at all. If that were the case, every puppy born by c-section would have some sort of issue and that's not how it is. If you've ever experienced puppies born this way you would know it takes quite a LONG time before they start breathing.

Re: the bad seed

Absolutely due to oxygen deprivation. I've seen it in dogs and in humans. The brain needs oxygen and terrible things happen when deprived of it. Sometimes it's small repercussions, other times

So, stick with the dog too, I think it's due to lack of Oxygen but they still can learn and eventually settle down. Try herbals such as melatonin to settle her or ask a holistic vet.

I doubt the issues with this dog was caused by lack of oxygen and what was said doesn't sound like lack of oxygen at all. If that were the case, every puppy born by c-section would have some sort of issue and that's not how it is. If you've ever experienced puppies born this way you would know it takes quite a LONG time before they start breathing.

There is a long time before breathing and a very long time. Over the many years I've been doing this, I've seen seizures within weeks of birth due to the very long time without oxygen, hyperness, etc. I've seen many children in pediatrics with learning and developmental issues due to lack of oxygen at birth or an injury such as near drowning, drug reaction which stopped breathing, etc.. Some types of cerebral palsy are due to lack of oxygen during delivery or after such as in 3rd world countries. The brain absolutely needs oxygen and there are repercussions when it doesn't get it. Yes, I've had several of my own pups born by C-section, it takes a while for them to breathe but it's not like the situation described by OP where they breathe and stop and go through the cycle again for a long while.

Re: the bad seed

This is one of the many articles out there connecting human hyperactivity and oxygen deprivation prenatally and postnatally.

There's lots of info linking hyperactivity with O2 deprivation, just Google. Not much research done on dogs, but a ton on children, it very likely applies to dogs also.

Re: the bad seed

Do not equate a human with a canine neonate. I have taken as much as 30 minutes to revive a newborn puppy, and they turned out just fine--in fact, especially fine. They met all their developmental milestones on time, didn't develop seizures or behavior problems, sailed through obedience training, and were lovely family pets. In one case, a great show dog.

Stop looking for reasons and look for solutions--a new dog trainer, a new allergist, and perhaps a new owner.

Re: the bad seed

rights & responsibilities
Do not equate a human with a canine neonate. I have taken as much as 30 minutes to revive a newborn puppy, and they turned out just fine--in fact, especially fine. They met all their developmental milestones on time, didn't develop seizures or behavior problems, sailed through obedience training, and were lovely family pets. In one case, a great show dog.

Stop looking for reasons and look for solutions--a new dog trainer, a new allergist, and perhaps a new owner.

I currently have a little girl out playing who took very long to revive and she has no issues, however, I've also too many times worked for 1/2 hour on a pup and eventually lost it. There is a point between the ones who survive unscathed and the ones who die and that point is where they are brain injured.

I certainly agree. Start looking for solutions. I personally would start at the holistic vet.

Re: the bad seed

I too had a girl who wore her front teeth down to nothing in the course of a year. They didn't have to be pulled, she had nothing left.

Allergies can be 1 of the worst problems. This was a 1st for me and I hope I never see it again. My girl was on all types of medications from steroids to a medication that cost my pharmacist $225 a month his cost which he relayed to me. I spent over $5,000 in specialist bills plus medications, medicated shampoos and food changes with no relief. At age 8, I had to put her out of her misery. It was heart breaking to find her ripping herself apart until she bled by 5 in the morning daily.

Her grandsire on the stud side was known for many of his get having allergies and other illnesses. He was also in the bitch side of the pedigree 6 generations back. There was too much of him in both pedigrees.

I never bred her Mom again once her daughter's allergies surfaced at age 3 suddenly. She had a full sibling from a 2nd litter. I bred to the same stud before knowing what he was known to produce. This girl had other serious health problems which iced the cake. I spayed my CH girl, who was finished at 16 months with minimal showing, all majors. She also had her JH, CGC & TDI.

Allergies can be lethal. I never saw it before in 20 years in Labs and another breed. Most are environmental but I tried all different expensive foods just in case including 2 different grain-less foods that were expensive. Nothing helped, food or 6 different medications prescribed by the dermatology specialist.

I understand some of what you're going through & hope you find a better solution then I did. I can't suggest anything because nothing helped.

Re: the bad seed

We just came from the vet Temaril P 100 pills $85 plus the office visit. The vet said 3 pills in the am and 3 in pm. My husband took her as I was working. There isn't a schedule for reducing the pills.
Hoping for a miracle.
Thank you everyone! This is why I love this forum.

Re: the bad seed

sad breeder
We just came from the vet Temaril P 100 pills $85

You should ask your vet for a prescription. I (only) checked 2 stores: Allivet $56 and Vet Depot $61.27. Even with shipping it's less. I never take meds from the vet unless it's an emergency.

Re: the bad seed

Thanks I'll do that. I was so happy to get them....I worry they are mad at me. Maybe you remember I posted on here a little while ago about my girl who they wouldn't let go home after minor surgery on a Friday. Kept her all night in the "hospital" with no one there. I am treading softly...

Re: the bad seed

sad breeder
We just came from the vet Temaril P 100 pills $85 plus the office visit. The vet said 3 pills in the am and 3 in pm. My husband took her as I was working. There isn't a schedule for reducing the pills.
Hoping for a miracle.
Thank you everyone! This is why I love this forum.
Not bad for a vet price. They usually mark-up much higher then that. A friend pays $129 plus a $70 O.V. at her vets'. The specialist she used got much more then that. $200 just for the prescription, the nerve!

I hope it helps her. Keep us posted please.

Re: the bad seed

sad breeder
Thanks I'll do that. I was so happy to get them....I worry they are mad at me. Maybe you remember I posted on here a little while ago about my girl who they wouldn't let go home after minor surgery on a Friday. Kept her all night in the "hospital" with no one there. I am treading softly...

You shouldn't have to tread softly. You're a caring owner. Maybe you'll need a new vet in the near future.

sad breeder
We just came from the vet Temaril P 100 pills $85

You should ask your vet for a prescription. I (only) checked 2 stores: Allivet $56 and Vet Depot $61.27. Even with shipping it's less. I never take meds from the vet unless it's an emergency.

The vet we use refuses to write scripts.

We've gotten very angry about it after she charged us $150 for long acting Cephalexin so we only needed to give the medication 1 time a day. We told her we had a 3 month script for the same medicine 4 times daily. It came out the same and she refused to let us use it. She will only dispense from her supply. We're in middle of interviewing 3 new vets ATM.

Not everyone can slam their hand down and say I won't accept your medication. Some of us get intimated by a tough vet. We're leaving when we decide which of the 3 recommendations suits us. Then we'll be more vocal.

Here is Temaril P 100 for $52.50. I like this site.

Re: the bad seed

My vet dermatologist told me that there is a new allergy drug being released this fall and she expects to have it by November. My 9-year-old allergy boy is on her list to receive it. She thinks most vet practices will be able to get the drug by the new year. She was very excited by it. You might want to alert your vet.
I understand your frustrations regarding the allergies. We have spent a fortune keeping our boy as comfortable as we can. He gets allergy shots every 10 days, and is currently on Temeril P every other day until the cold weather arrives.