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Re: the bad seed

sad breeder
We just came from the vet Temaril P 100 pills $85

You should ask your vet for a prescription. I (only) checked 2 stores: Allivet $56 and Vet Depot $61.27. Even with shipping it's less. I never take meds from the vet unless it's an emergency.

Re: the bad seed

Thanks I'll do that. I was so happy to get them....I worry they are mad at me. Maybe you remember I posted on here a little while ago about my girl who they wouldn't let go home after minor surgery on a Friday. Kept her all night in the "hospital" with no one there. I am treading softly...

Re: the bad seed

sad breeder
We just came from the vet Temaril P 100 pills $85 plus the office visit. The vet said 3 pills in the am and 3 in pm. My husband took her as I was working. There isn't a schedule for reducing the pills.
Hoping for a miracle.
Thank you everyone! This is why I love this forum.
Not bad for a vet price. They usually mark-up much higher then that. A friend pays $129 plus a $70 O.V. at her vets'. The specialist she used got much more then that. $200 just for the prescription, the nerve!

I hope it helps her. Keep us posted please.

Re: the bad seed

sad breeder
Thanks I'll do that. I was so happy to get them....I worry they are mad at me. Maybe you remember I posted on here a little while ago about my girl who they wouldn't let go home after minor surgery on a Friday. Kept her all night in the "hospital" with no one there. I am treading softly...

You shouldn't have to tread softly. You're a caring owner. Maybe you'll need a new vet in the near future.

sad breeder
We just came from the vet Temaril P 100 pills $85

You should ask your vet for a prescription. I (only) checked 2 stores: Allivet $56 and Vet Depot $61.27. Even with shipping it's less. I never take meds from the vet unless it's an emergency.

The vet we use refuses to write scripts.

We've gotten very angry about it after she charged us $150 for long acting Cephalexin so we only needed to give the medication 1 time a day. We told her we had a 3 month script for the same medicine 4 times daily. It came out the same and she refused to let us use it. She will only dispense from her supply. We're in middle of interviewing 3 new vets ATM.

Not everyone can slam their hand down and say I won't accept your medication. Some of us get intimated by a tough vet. We're leaving when we decide which of the 3 recommendations suits us. Then we'll be more vocal.

Here is Temaril P 100 for $52.50. I like this site.

Re: the bad seed

My vet dermatologist told me that there is a new allergy drug being released this fall and she expects to have it by November. My 9-year-old allergy boy is on her list to receive it. She thinks most vet practices will be able to get the drug by the new year. She was very excited by it. You might want to alert your vet.
I understand your frustrations regarding the allergies. We have spent a fortune keeping our boy as comfortable as we can. He gets allergy shots every 10 days, and is currently on Temeril P every other day until the cold weather arrives.