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USDA does it again: our chicken

If you thought melamine vitamins in dog food and poisonous antibiotics in dog treats made of chicken were bad, read the link below. New chicken slaughter regs allow export to and reimport from China. "U.S. officials have given the thumbs-up to four Chinese poultry plants, paving the way for the country to send processed chicken to American markets.” There will be no US food inspectors at the plants. Ignore the vegetarian leanings of the author. Coming to people food: Chinese processed chicken. Because food from China is always safe?

I wonder how much of it will be in school lunches? Or in my grocer's case? How soon? Our food inspection in this country isn't perfect, but it saves a lot of illness.

Re: USDA does it again: our chicken

I saw this on the news the other night and couldn't believe it ! We grow the chicken here, send it to China to be processed, and they in turn send it back here to sell.... no wonder why chicken has gone through the roof on price... Thank goodness I have a fresh Poultry Farm near me... they slaughter the chickens, turkey's there each day...then people around the area come and purchase them that afternoon... Health inspected, fresh, clean, and really good !