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Labrador Quarterly, Fall 2013

Wow, the publishers got it right for this beautiful edition! Love it!!!

Re: Labrador Quarterly, Fall 2013

I was badly disappointed.

With the exception of the interview with Philippe Lammens, whose name was sadly misspelled in bold type in the heading, and the centerfold, all the Labradors articles were recycled from web sites, other publications, or past LQ publications. One of these I have seen in print twice before! There were two original health articles written by lay persons concerning veterinary issues which were interesting.

Re: Labrador Quarterly, Fall 2013

Everyone has one.

Or another favorite..."Some see the glass as half full, while others see the glass as half empty."

I can't wait to get my issue so I can make up my own mind. I always look forward to the arrival of the LQ in the mail, and applaud those who undertake the task of its publication.

I love the optimism and enthusiasm of "Impressed".

"Disappointed", perhaps you might consider writing an original article for the next issue? Just sayin'


Re: Labrador Quarterly, Fall 2013

I didn't read it from cover to cover...I only noticed that it noted Rusty Howard's kennel as Waterdog...I thought it was Waterberry???

Re: Labrador Quarterly, Fall 2013

Not the best way to spend $15.

Re: Labrador Quarterly, Fall 2013

Waterdog is Michael Woods, I believe...

I didn't read it from cover to cover...I only noticed that it noted Rusty Howard's kennel as Waterdog...I thought it was Waterberry???

Re: Labrador Quarterly, Fall 2013

I thought it was very good. Great quality. Was to me better than the first they did. So with the Summer stud issue now this good one I will renew. I love reading the great articles again. Think you see something new each time you read.