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Re: Labrador Quarterly, Fall 2013

Everyone has one.

Or another favorite..."Some see the glass as half full, while others see the glass as half empty."

I can't wait to get my issue so I can make up my own mind. I always look forward to the arrival of the LQ in the mail, and applaud those who undertake the task of its publication.

I love the optimism and enthusiasm of "Impressed".

"Disappointed", perhaps you might consider writing an original article for the next issue? Just sayin'


Re: Labrador Quarterly, Fall 2013

I didn't read it from cover to cover...I only noticed that it noted Rusty Howard's kennel as Waterdog...I thought it was Waterberry???

Re: Labrador Quarterly, Fall 2013

Not the best way to spend $15.

Re: Labrador Quarterly, Fall 2013

Waterdog is Michael Woods, I believe...

I didn't read it from cover to cover...I only noticed that it noted Rusty Howard's kennel as Waterdog...I thought it was Waterberry???

Re: Labrador Quarterly, Fall 2013

I thought it was very good. Great quality. Was to me better than the first they did. So with the Summer stud issue now this good one I will renew. I love reading the great articles again. Think you see something new each time you read.