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Re: Mast Cell Cancer

Don't know where you are at, but it looks like there is a clinical trial including Palladia at North Carolina State,

Re: Mast Cell Cancer

Years ago, I had a beloved yellow Lab bitch who had a lump on her
side removed which was diagnosed with Mast Cell cancer 2. The vet advised
doing an ultrasound to see if there were any more tumors inside of her.
There were none, so we opted not to do chemo.

This dog lived a very happy and healthy life until 13 and a half years of age.
I gave her lots of love. We simply removed and biopsied any lumps on her. All came back negative. The dog had no additional supplements, but I did feed her Royal Canin foods, particularly Royal Canin Hypoallergenic in her last year.

There is hope!

Re: Mast Cell Cancer

Mast cell tumors are nothing to mess with. Remember Steve Jobs. Get that thing removed.

Re: Mast Cell Cancer

I had a 6 year old female with a grade 2 Mast cell tumor removed. To get clean margins, we needed to do a second surgery. Then we followed up with prednisone therapy. She will be 14 yrs in Dec with no reoccurance.

Re: Mast Cell Cancer

Thanks all. Nice thread, some very good insight and links for more info.

He's a working dog so in pretty good condition which I'm sure will work in his favor.

Looking at the low carb/grain free food options and have already added the fish oil to his diet. We'll see what the additional pathology tells us and go from there.