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Re: Any advice for 2 litters at once?

Our 2 litters we had this year ended up being 2 days apart..... Super fun and I so loved it! But we had somewhat small litters. One girl had 3 yellows (By to Y- go figure! She had 2 previous litters, one in '09 and one in '10 and they were all black lol), other girl had 6 (blk/ ylw). Our girls are in the living room, just on separate sides so they have space, but as soon as the puppies were 1 week they tried to help eachother lol. Momma wanted her daughters puppies with her- she LOVES puppies! This was mother and daughter and both are just great girls! They loved being out together as soon as the puppies were old enough to venture outdoors. The 2 litters were then raised side-by-side. So I guess it varies based on the person. We're a family of 6, so lots of help with "chores". No added stress/ work load. Just double the mess, but in all honesty, I don't mind. Our girls have 4-6 puppies so if I had to do it again due to it just working out that way, then I would.

Re: Any advice for 2 litters at once?

The size of the litters makes a big difference. I have two litters right now about 1 week apart. One litter of four and the other of five so it is really like having one litter with nine puppies, but with two moms so plenty of milk for all. It is working out fine and I kept my two girls side by side each in their own whelping box. I bought a second box once I knew I had two pregnant girls. There has been the normal stress like having one litter and I have made adjustments and dealt with it. It was even a big help at one point because one of my girls got sick and needed help and the other mom stepped in for a few days to help with the pups. Now mine are reaching 5 weeks and 6 weeks and I will continue to raise them as two separate litters. One litter of puppies are a bit larger than the other litter and I don't want to have anyone getting pushed around to much. It can be done.

Good luck.

Re: Any advice for 2 litters at once?

I just finished two litters 6 days apart. Litter of 10 and a litter of 5, called it my Nickles and Dimes. Two 11 x 11 pens, side by side, each with a homemade whelping box in the corner. I just moved between the two pens. Potty boxes, homemade, were attached to whelping box at 3 weeks of age. Kept them inside that area for another week or until they were solid in using the potty box. Then we dropped the sides of the potty boxes and whelping boxes so they were open to each 11 x 11 pen area. It was a little hectic at times but the pens are in our family room and I slept right there. I used an 8 foot folding table reachable by both pens where I kept supplies, scale, etc . . .
In my situation both litters were donated to Support Dogs in St. Louis so I didn't have to deal with pet families. The whole experience wasn't that bad.

Terri - Ducktales