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When is it appropriate to give a bonus to a handler for showing your dog at an all breed show? I'm sure there must be some kind of bonus system, not sure what. Don't want to offend by giving too little.

Re: Bonus

I'd say you are new ... your handler tells you how much to pay and, that will include any "bonus". I'll assume you are referring to winning points?

Re: Bonus

I'd say you are new ... your handler tells you how much to pay and, that will include any "bonus". I'll assume you are referring to winning points?

Why do you have to always be so sarcastic? You had to say "I'd say you are new ... " when the OP already said it? Try a little kindness, it goes a long way Marjorie.

BTW, I tip handlers for ringside drop-off so it is a bonus and not necessarily for winning or winning points. I do it when I can just because I want to. It says Thank u for doing a great job with my dog! It's not the handlers fault if the judge decides there is a better dog or dogs in the ring for that class. If they give it their all, why not give them a bonus or tip?

OP, it's your choice. Do whatever you feel is right at the time for each instance or amount of time on the road. There is no right or wrong, new to this or not.

Re: Bonus

Why do you have to always be so sarcastic? You had to say "I'd say you are new ... " when the OP already said it? Try a little kindness, it goes a long way Marjorie.

You know what Louis (if that's really your name), screw you. Where do you get off saying I'm sarcastic? You have a problem with "blunt/to the point"? You're probably one of those who rather be lied to then told the truth.

Re: Bonus

Don't they still sell Midol for your problem, Marjorie? Or are you well past that point. Maybe some soy would help.