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Does somebody has genetic/medical information about not RD related dwarfism in Labradors.

Re: Dwarfism

You might look at the UC-Davis website as they were doing research on dwarfism. I do not remember it being breed specific, so not sure if that will help you.

Re: Dwarfism

Thanks. I looked, but didn't find anything.

Re: Dwarfism

No, but I'd imagine there are several other possible causes just like in humans. Problems with growth hormone production. If you can't find anything on dogs, look at different causes for humans and see if that correspond with dogs.

Re: Dwarfism

This perhaps?

Re: Dwarfism

Thank you. This is very helpful. I e-mailed them for more info.

Re: Dwarfism

If you are on RTF, do a search on dwarfism. It's been discussed a few times w/ and w/o relationship to RD. That was where I found that link. Good luck. Anne