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discounts, was E locus, Re: DDC DNA coat color test questions

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There are two great ways you can save money when you place an order on the following page.

Multiple Dog Bonus: Order tests for 5 or more dogs and receive an additional $10 off of the base price!!
Multiple Test Bonus: Order one test at regular price (per canine) and all other tests are only $20.00 (same canine).

Re: DDC DNA coat color test questions

I want to find out if my black bitch which carries chocolate also carries the yellow gene. I am thinking about breeding her to a chocolate dog that also carries yellow. I want to avoid yellow puppies if possible.

Re: DDC DNA coat color test questions

I got what I expected but didn't want: yellow girl carrying chocolate. It is a small thing, but it changed my stud selection, and I am happy that I tested.

Call or email them with your question, and they walk you through it. The test is fairly straight forward. Good luck!

Re: DDC DNA coat color test questions

I've been very happy with all testing done by DDC. They have no more of a human error rate then any other Laboratory be it for dogs or humans.

I trust them.