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long heats

My bitch had a very long heat last time. She would stand for the boys for about 3 weeks. I didn't do ovulation test because I was going to breed her to my own dog and I'm 3 hours from the closest repro vet.
Does a bitch that ovulates at day 20+ of her first blood would stand for the dog way before she is fertile? My girl was allowing the boys to mount her from day 11 all the way to day 32.

I breed her days 13, 15 and 17. no puppies. I stopped breeding her because my boy was going to training boot camp for his JH.

Re: long heats

I had a bitch that bred on day 21 and had 10 pups.

Re: long heats

Do you have a microscope? If not you can get a pocket microscope for around $20, Fertile Focus is one brand and test saliva for ferning. Once the saliva shows a fern pattern on the entire sample you are 5 days from ovulation. This should get you close enough if your using fresh semen but you should get a couple of progesterone tests if your using extended. I look at saliva to save on the number of progesterone tests as I have a bitch with long heats too.

Here is just a couple of links that have some information, try a search on this forum for more or try google:

Re: long heats

Could be other reasons for no puppies. Did you culture her, check your boy's sperm?

Re: long heats

I think that I missed her. I'll try again next time. I'll take a look at the fern test. Thank you!

My question is for how many days can they be receptive?

Re: long heats

That is not something you can really judge by, some bitches are hussies and will act receptive long before and after they are ready and others may never act receptive, it depends on the bitch. I have a bitch who would snap at any male who tried to breed her, even when she was ready and now that she is spayed will stand for anyone, go figure!

Re: long heats

It depends on the bitch. Each girl and each season can be different. I have a girl who is bred day 21 to 25. She has had litters of 10 and 12 each whelping.

Isn't there a non-repro vet that does progesterone testing closer? Spending the money for progesterone testing instead banking on your own boys and when she'll stand for them makes a lot more sense.

You're doing things like they were done 30 years ago. Modern technology has caught up with all of this many years ago.

Re: long heats

I think that I missed her. I'll try again next time. I'll take a look at the fern test. Thank you!

My question is for how many days can they be receptive?

Sometimes none. Do a side by side collection and AI when she's 48 hours past a 5.0 ng per ml and repeat 24 to 48 hours later. Antech and Idexx are used by GP vets too. You don't need a repro vet to use them. Any vet uses 1 or the other for blood work. Do you not want to spend the money for progesterone testing? Ferning works most of the time for experienced breeders.

Patience with a bitch who doesn't ovulate when you want her to works very well. She's not going to stand for your boys if she doesn't have an LH surge or ovulation. Some never stand at all. That's 1 of many things an AI is for.

Re: long heats

Cornell also does progesterone. I get the blood drawn and spun down at my local vet and deliver it to the lab for same day results. You can also ship it.

Re: long heats

my girls all seem to be late risers , I have bred girls on day 23-25 and had litters of 9-10. You just can't give up thinking it won't happen.