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Fetal Heart Doppler - Need a new one

I am looking for feedback about getting a new Fetal Heart Doppler.

My old one, a Nicolet Elite 200 from Whelpwise, shuts off after only a few seconds, so it is useless. They no longer will service it since it is more than 10 years old. New ones are selling for $355-$600.

WhelpWise now only sells a Summit Doppler for $570.

I don't want to spend that much again.

Has anyone used a Sonoline B Fetal Heart Doppler, Backlight LCD 3Mhz? I can get a new one for only $54.

Re: Fetal Heart Doppler - Need a new one

If someone e-mails privately, could you please let us know what you find out? I'm looking for one myself.

Re: Fetal Heart Doppler - Need a new one

It is amazing how I seem to have "a baby" every couple years: I rent from BabyBeats or other places. I have my own now, but the rentals work fine and are serviced. I do insist on a display when renting. Of course, the $54 one Laura found is little more than a month's rent on one!

Re: Fetal Heart Doppler - Need a new one

I thought they all ran several hundred dollars too. I looked at the 1 you're considering and I'm amazed at how inexpensive it is.

It looks professional but I don't know enough about them.

At what point of gestation do you begin using it Laura or only during whelping?

Good luck in your search. I'm thinking of getting it if it's a decent model for that price.

Re: Fetal Heart Doppler - Need a new one

Look further. You'll find the same for under $50 on Ebay. You can bid on some of them.

Re: Fetal Heart Doppler - Need a new one


I purchased this on Ebay for $40, shipping included. 2013 Fetal Doppler Heart detector Baby Sound Heart Monitor Free GEL 3Mhz probe-1

Re: Fetal Heart Doppler - Need a new one

Thanks everyone for your comments. My hubby ordered the Sonoline B for me on Ebay as a Christmas present.

Re: Fetal Heart Doppler - Need a new one

A nice gift! Have fun with it Laura.

Rate it compared to your prior after you use it if you don't mind.