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Parascoping of bowel…hereditary?

Is intusseption (sp?)…parascoping of the bowel ever congenital or hereditary?
The vet said no abstruction, no parasites, no straining at the bowel, so how do we decide if the parents of that pup were the cause?

Re: Parascoping of bowel…hereditary?

Intussusception is considered to be incidental, and it has not been traditionally regarded as having any genetic basis. Intussusception is seen more commonly in puppies affected with large amounts of intestinal parasites, hookworms, viral or bacterial gastroenteritis

Re: Parascoping of bowel…hereditary?

It is not genetic.

Re: Parascoping of bowel…hereditary?

It is not genetic.
If it's not genetic it's a congenital defect that happens while the puppy is developing in utero. Interesting but sad, I've heard about them a couple of times. I haven't seen it and hope I don't.

Re: Parascoping of bowel…hereditary?

It can also be caused by trauma to the bowel, as in constipation or impactions, or in the one case we had 13 years ago, using a potty box material (ground corn cob litter) that caused one of the 5 1/2 week old puppies to strain while having a bowel movement,which then led to an intussusseption,telescoping of the bowel. Thank GOD it was easily fixed with a moderately expensive but simple surgery, and yes the surgery cost way more than the puppy did. Puppy went on to lead a totally normal life.