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Re: USDA Classifies PETA as a Terrorist Threat

If you read the article it is very PRO-PETA and the work that PETA does. But then again what do you expect from a site called "tree hugger".

Also since the USDA is in the HSUS's pocket, if they classify them as a terrorist organization and turn public perception and donations away from them, who do you think will pick up those donations? HSUS is just as much a terrorist organization and threat as PETA, they just masquerade as welfare group. They're donations are down maybe they see this as a way to siphon off some of PETA's donations as they are now seen as too radical and extreme. Just remember HSUS is just PETA in suits. Same agenda. Neither want us to breed or own animals.

Re: USDA Classifies PETA as a Terrorist Threat

This is also old, look at the date on the article, from 2009