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Re: Stud Service Prices

Are people really paying $1200/$1500 for dogs that don't even have a single point and/or title?

I cannot wrap my mind around the thought of Champion dogs (with Champion get) getting equal or lesser stud fees than these young unproven dogs. I can't believe we award this by using them.

No one asked for yours or anyone else's approval I can't believe you take offense to the stud-dog fees out there in today's times. If"keep moving, nothing to see here folks" breeders want to discuss it why would you care unless you're 1 of the stud-dog owners that charges $1800 or the $3000 only you brought up.

There's nothing wrong with this discussion. If you don't like it then take your own advice. The OP asked a few questions and was answered. I can't imagine what is wrong with that.

What's wrong with it? Just sounds like someone who is bashing others because they don't agree with how they conduct their business. Why do we even care? I really don't, just calling a spade a spade here. OP should just mind their own business.

As to how much I charge, I don't. Don't even have a horse in the race. The OP was just ranting and whining because she thought someone was charging too much for a stud fee on a dog that wasn't finished. Don't like it? Fine, don't pay it. Move along and find someone who will charge what you want and don't judge others who pay what they want to pay.

Wouldn't be surprised if Geez-Whiz was the OP. Want some cheese to go with your whine?

Re: Stud Service Prices

There is a lot more work standing a dog at stud than you would think.

The bitch owner makes 8 to 10 times the money a stud owner gets for there work when they sell the litter.

A stud with a sought after pedigree does a lot to make a litter saleable.Many sell there puppies on the accomplishments of the stud dog or his pedigree.

Re: Stud Service Prices

There is a lot more work standing a dog at stud than you would think.

The bitch owner makes 8 to 10 times the money a stud owner gets for there work when they sell the litter.

A stud with a sought after pedigree does a lot to make a litter saleable.Many sell there puppies on the accomplishments of the stud dog or his pedigree.

I don't think you can compare the work, time or cost involved with breeding and raising a litter vs stud dog services. Big difference! More than 8-10 x's the work and rarely 8-10 x's the money! Don't forget misses either. None of my pet people have sought out puppies based on stud dog accomplishments or pedigree.