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Re: 15-20 pups

I had a litter the day before from a different female on the way to the emergency. Those pups were huge and they let me use a room to finish up before taking the two girls home. The puppies born before the c section are healthy and strong and are the same size as the big pups or pretty close to the same today.

Reading your posts you said all would be in the same sack. They all had their own sack and I had to cut the cords on two after pinching it and clamping it to shut of the blood flow. The cords were hanging out of mom until the last pup on the afterbirth came out. He had his own sack but because the afterbirth had started to detach he was dead. I worked on him for a while.

So, what I'm asking are they true triplets? I have never seen two in the same sac.

Re: 15-20 pups

Yes the three pups were attached to one Placentia, the last one was drained and the afterbirth was soft and came out with the dead pup. I lost one tiny yesterday after a battle to live.
I've seen twins but never had the three.

Re: 15-20 pups

I am not a vet, but I have heard that sometimes placentas in close proximity with another placenta may fuse into one . This would explain the separate sacks. In your case, with so many puppies packed into the uterus, it could be likely that some of the placentas did fuse.

Re: 15-20 pups

I am not a vet, but I have heard that sometimes placentas in close proximity with another placenta may fuse into one . This would explain the separate sacks. In your case, with so many puppies packed into the uterus, it could be likely that some of the placentas did fuse.

Were there actually 15-20 puppies?

Re: 15-20 pups

I am not a vet, but I have heard that sometimes placentas in close proximity with another placenta may fuse into one . This would explain the separate sacks. In your case, with so many puppies packed into the uterus, it could be likely that some of the placentas did fuse.

Were there actually 15-20 puppies?
She said there were 16, she lost 6 and wound up with a C-section anyway. Read up above.

Here ya go:

Been There 2
Well, I took her to emergency because she seemed in distress. They refused to do the c-section. She whelped 5 puppies in distress and was some time in between. The Vet wanted me to wait. She was not doing well and a dead pup was born so I got her to the Vet for emergency. We ended up with elven live pups and a torn uterus and a spay.

Been There 2
We lost a premie today. He was one of two that I am/was bottle feeding. They were half the size of the other pups.

She has ten left and lost six puppies. She and the babies are doing really well for being five days early. The Vet gave me some medicine that she calls Geritol for the old dogs to help build her up from the loss of blood. She does't like it but I can see a marked improvement.

What happened was triplets. Two were born and I had to cut the cords which I am sure killed the third and it was downhill from there.

Who would have known this would happen. Thank you for all of your advice.

Re: 15-20 pups

The story is so convoluted it's hard to believe.

Re: 15-20 pups

doubt it
The story is so convoluted it's hard to believe.
Another 1? I do believe it and please don't call me the OP, I'm not!