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Re: United Airlines Pet Safe Program

I am not blaming the owner anymore than the airline. They both had a responsibility in this. Like you and I have said we would never fly an animal in the heat of summer. This man knew in his heart of hearts that he had some concerns when he put him on the plane. He said he was worried about him during the layover. I would have gotten off that plane and gotten my dog and found a flight in the evening or rented a different mode of transportation. I am really saying that he should never have put that dog on a plane to begin with. It is sad about his dog. No one can guarantee anyone anything. I was just saying that he should have found another way to get his dog where he wanted to go. We all need to use great sense about what we do in the best interest of our animals.

Re: United Airlines Pet Safe Program

I am not blaming the owner anymore than the airline. They both had a responsibility in this. Like you and I have said we would never fly an animal in the heat of summer. This man knew in his heart of hearts that he had some concerns when he put him on the plane. He said he was worried about him during the layover. I would have gotten off that plane and gotten my dog and found a flight in the evening or rented a different mode of transportation. I am really saying that he should never have put that dog on a plane to begin with. It is sad about his dog. No one can guarantee anyone anything. I was just saying that he should have found another way to get his dog where he wanted to go. We all need to use great sense about what we do in the best interest of our animals.

I did not say I don't fly my dogs in the summer. I don't fly them at all. Maybe you meant another poster.

I don't blame the owner, he was sold a bill of goods from the airline. They know their planes, they know where the dogs ride and they make alot of promises.

It's not the owner's fault to any degree for any of the cases with United!! They lied to the owners.