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Re: New Champion Master Hunter

Mike, Judy and Rudy, our CONGRATULATIONS!! I am happy for all of you and the breed especially whenever a conformation CH adds titles on the back end. Especially above a JH not making light of the JH. When I see either a SH or MH I feel good for the breed and owners

Please don't take this wrong. I will educate you on the hunting titles listed. When Rudy finished his Senior Hunter, you are supposed to drop the JH off his name. When he finished his Master Hunter, you drop the SH on the AKC name. You never keep all 3 on his name, MH means the dog completed JH and SH requirements and finished the next title. Same with WC and WCX. Dropping them when finishing the next level doesn't take away from your dog by any means. It means he finished the prior requirements and did all before it.

This is a huge accomplishment,a conformation Ch and MH! Once again Congratulations to team Rudy. Stay up on your Cloud 9, you all deserve being there.

Re: New Champion Master Hunter

Thanks for the congratulations!

As far as the education: I love being educated, but would rather, don't take this wrong, be educated by someone who knew what they were talking about.

You do NOT have to pass JH, to get a SH, or SH to get MH. If you skip JH, you must pass 5 SH tests, instead of 4 to get the title. Same goes for skipping the lower tests and going straight to Master. So, an MH does NOT automatically mean a dog earned a JH and an SH. It is not uncommon to skip JH and go straight to Senior.

If someone wants to drop all the previous titles, that is OK with me; it's their choice. Rudy earned them all, and I'm proud of that, so I think I'll leave them on.


Re: New Champion Master Hunter

Thanks for the congratulations!

As far as the education: I love being educated, but would rather, don't take this wrong, be educated by someone who knew what they were talking about.

You do NOT have to pass JH, to get a SH, or SH to get MH. If you skip JH, you must pass 5 SH tests, instead of 4 to get the title. Same goes for skipping the lower tests and going straight to Master. So, an MH does NOT automatically mean a dog earned a JH and an SH. It is not uncommon to skip JH and go straight to Senior.

If someone wants to drop all the previous titles, that is OK with me; it's their choice. Rudy earned them all, and I'm proud of that, so I think I'll leave them on.


Hey Mike,

I know u off this list. I think u misunderstood that poster. I read it as either finishing all 3 titles or as they said " It means he finished the prior requirements and did all before it ." Maybe they should have said and|or. Would that have helped you not get distressed.

Don't take good, correct advice personally. No-one else who's dog completes all 3 titles posts all 3. I can show you dozens of sites without the JH or SH. I also have a GrCh and MH that skipped 1. I don't list the 1 he did do too, just the MH & I'm damn proud of GrCh **** MH and more titles I won't brag about in Working, Rally & Obedience. The 2 big ones are the GrCh and the MH in my eyes.

That poster was right about the WC & WCX too. The highest title is what counts man, breeders know what you did or didn't do. Be proud of what you and the wife has done with your village, put your big boy pants on when poster was right. Don't take it personal. You'll do what you want listing it your way but just be proud, u 2 have a boy other breeders will compliment, complimenting all of u in the village and will sometimes include a tad of suggestions. Our dogs are in a minority of Labs in the U.S. that have a Conformation Championship and Master Hunter. The British don't think much of it but we in the U.S. do! Grats bro, pop the cork and celebrate.

Re: New Champion Master Hunter

Right or wrong about whether someone should list tiles earned or not, I'm wondering why an anonymous poster feels the need to criticize how I listed my dog's titles earned. Does it really bother him/her that much? Who cares?

I took that post as "congratulations, but, you're not doing it right".

I'm not a newby. I know how it is generally done. I thought about it and decided I would list them all. I don't necessarily feel a need to do things just because that's the way everyone else does it.

When someone says, "don't take this the wrong way", they usually know what they are about to say is likely to offend you; so, unless they know you, and your are someone who's opinion they respect, why say it? At worst, I assume they meant to offend and/or embarrass; or, at the minimum, they didn't care, which is also offensive.

"I will educate you", was a totally condescending statement from someone I don't know; at least, I don't think I know, I can't tell.

An "education" like this, no matter who is giving it, or to who, should be done privately. A public criticism, is way more likely to offend someone than to be taken in any good natured way; especially, from someone hiding behind a fictitious name. If someone feels strongly enough about their opinion, that they feel the need to criticize someone else, they should, at least, have the guts to identify themselves when doing it.

Sorry if posting my dog's titles offended anyone.


Re: New Champion Master Hunter

Hi Mike,
Huge congrats on Rudy's MH...Great job done by all!!
Love having more CH/MHs in the breed..