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Re: New Champion Master Hunter

Right or wrong about whether someone should list tiles earned or not, I'm wondering why an anonymous poster feels the need to criticize how I listed my dog's titles earned. Does it really bother him/her that much? Who cares?

I took that post as "congratulations, but, you're not doing it right".

I'm not a newby. I know how it is generally done. I thought about it and decided I would list them all. I don't necessarily feel a need to do things just because that's the way everyone else does it.

When someone says, "don't take this the wrong way", they usually know what they are about to say is likely to offend you; so, unless they know you, and your are someone who's opinion they respect, why say it? At worst, I assume they meant to offend and/or embarrass; or, at the minimum, they didn't care, which is also offensive.

"I will educate you", was a totally condescending statement from someone I don't know; at least, I don't think I know, I can't tell.

An "education" like this, no matter who is giving it, or to who, should be done privately. A public criticism, is way more likely to offend someone than to be taken in any good natured way; especially, from someone hiding behind a fictitious name. If someone feels strongly enough about their opinion, that they feel the need to criticize someone else, they should, at least, have the guts to identify themselves when doing it.

Sorry if posting my dog's titles offended anyone.


Re: New Champion Master Hunter

Hi Mike,
Huge congrats on Rudy's MH...Great job done by all!!
Love having more CH/MHs in the breed..