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Re: Dog's immune system

Oh "Reason" I wish I knew your name so I could chat with you.

No, Fleas never had been a problem. I think she was actually scratching fromm the chin acne not the fleas as I guessed. I guess that because I had not done drops in 3 months. I dislike doing drops at all.

Vet kept shaking her head because she never had any redness anywhere all. Her skin all over is clear.

You would never know she had a heat as she licks and licks to be clean. Could be another reason the chin got infected.
Now while in heat I wash her face nightly.

Stress does cause her to lick more at her vulva. Usually after a dog show. She is a great girl. Wish I could read her mind.

I will go to another vet for an opinion. I also need more education obviously.

Thanks for yours, :)


Re: Dog's immune system

You are full of shit breeder how long have you been growing up to be a specialist on any of it

Re: Dog's immune system

Your very welcome Donna.

Here is a good article on Canine Bacterial Pyoderma. It may (or may not) be too technical for you to fully understand but muddle through it as I'm sure you will pick up some useful information to help you. Good luck and Happy Holidays!!!