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Re: swollen lump in neck

You might want to look into the possibility that your boy accidently swallowed a dead dryed out weed spur. you are describing exactly what happened to a girl of mine about the same time last year. She accidently swallowed it while playing with a rubber ridged toy. It gets stuck in the throat and the body reacts to it and actually absorbs it and grows tissue over it. We had to have surgery to remove it and the surrounding area. it was just over a 1/3 size of a tennis ball.

Re: swollen lump in neck

thank you for the info. The vet said something had to get in and the body contained it.* Did they take the whole lump out ? How long was recovery, any problems with surgery especially with the area around it., sorry for all the questions, I am just so upset with this

Re: swollen lump in neck

I had pretty much EXACTLY the same thing happen to a 7 mo old just a few weeks ago.
First week: red tummy, small papules, one swollen paw. Treated with Benadryl and cream. Then did not improve. Vet put him on antibiotics and sm level oral pred

Second week: Abdominal lesions became huge pussy and hot. On a Sunday (of course)

Later same day: shocking lower jaw swelling noted. Within 2 hrs, HUGE, grapefruit sized fluculant swelling on neck. Breathing ok, but quiet Scary

Emergency Vet did surgery on neck. Drains implanted. About a 5 inches surgical line.

Major Vet did not want to start steroids, but consultation with five (not exaggeration) said "strangles" treat with heavy steroids. Ones said she had seen a 9 mo old Dane dx's with this.

Out of my mind. Decided to try just antibiotics and it worked. Drains removed at about 6 days.

Histopath showed ONLY lymph node stuff. Culture on fluid from lesion on neck showed TOTALLY NEGATIVE for any infection ??

I will worry about this boy re allengic reactions, but do not think strangles.

The only thing he had that had been changed was one dose of Panecure because I have an older boy in my kennel with showing of a worm. He was seen digging in nasty dirt at handler's home. No sign of bites.

A lot, but trying to help. Please let me know how you dog is.

Re: swollen lump in neck

Did xray show foreign body?

Re: swollen lump in neck

Age of dog? Strangles late? Results of testing yet?

Re: swollen lump in neck

my boy is 1yr, had kennel cough(nasel) done Nov 4th, saw lump on the 9th, no x-rays taken, not strangles, 2nd culture showed (after tube out) some e-coli, not much abnormal, back on both cipro & cephalexin with hot packing, lump has gone down some, size of a quarter now, going back to vets Wednesday morning to ck another sample from lump. He plays, eats, stools, temp, all normal. No signs of any other spots on body. will update Wednesday, thank you for suggestions.

Re: swollen lump in neck

I am relieved for you. Had you on my mind. Would love to hear the Wed results...

Re: swollen lump in neck

vet called to update me on culture , nothing grew all normal, so continue with meds for now & see him Wednesday hope for good news