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Re: Liver Shunt…is this genetic? And can the pup live past weaning stage with it?

update on out Liver Shunt Boy. It has taken him 5 days on the antibiotic to come around. Usually it is 24 hours. Tonight he turned the corner and wanted to play, was walking on all 4 legs without losing his balance. He seems to be aware of his surroundings. Earlier I really thought if he didn't come around soon it would be the time to make a decision to let him go. I talked to the Vet and she said that we can give him canned pumpkin to help move things along in his digestive tract or give him Lactulose. I don't want him to get diarrhea though. Sweet boy, he is getting a little spoiled. Hopefully tomorrow he can go out and play with his sisters. I asked the Vet about his having pain and she said it isn't totally benign and any swelling in the brain would cause him to be very uncomfortable. I pray we don't get there. Also one of his early symptoms was restlessness. I would watch him out the window and he would walk up and down the fence, lay down, get up walk a little, lay down again, get up walk the other direction then repeat this for about 15 min. He couldn't get comfortable. I remember seeing this in a video about shunts. Pacing, getting lost, getting stuck in corners is common too