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Re: Fight against the Aphis Rule. Please donate.

Joan McInnis
ANYTHING that restricts our rights, affects us all. I have said this before and it needs to be said again. Our rights are being chipped away little by little by little. This seemingly small inconvenience is but a tiny step in a grand plan to take away our rights. Unless we stop this now, more steps will follow.

I respect your opinion and it's well stated but it's conjecture to presume that this is part of a grand plan to take away our rights. One must pick their battles and I will save my resources for something that's more intrusive to breeding. I don't want to be regulated either but irresponsible people shipping live animals has caused this change.

....under a rock if you haven't realized that the Animal Rights Extremists want to END ALL BREEDING *PERIOD*. The way they are going about this is to 1) vilify breeders by showing photos of dogs in substandard conditions. Whether or not they are from a bad breeder, hoarder or were staged doesn't matter. The public viewing the photos become emotional at the sight and they will say whatever it takes to turn the public against breeders. 2) introduce laws that make it more expensive and more restrictive to breed dogs.

Believe what you want, but those who fight these laws and work with others who are in the know, know the true agenda of the animal rights movement. It does include exterminating ALL breeders. Scapegoating other types of breeders, blaming the bad ones for these new laws is naive and just burying your head in the sand. Truly is clueless. To the people who are introducing these laws and pushing for more and more legislation do NOT make any distinction between different types of breeders. To them we are all the same, that substandard hate slur used against all breeders regardless of quantity or quality. Your holier than thou attitude means NOTHING to them. They just want you and everyone else to STOP. They will do everything in their power and whatever their money can buy. With millions in their war chest and the way they've turned the public against breeders, I say it's a fight WE can't afford to just sit back and wait until it affects *us*. Just because it doesn't affect you *now*, doesn't mean it won't affect you in the future.

Just remember, "First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me."~Martin Niemöller

Re: Fight against the Aphis Rule. Please donate.

NY Breeder
Dear Nada, This law covers much more than shipping. As stated before, if you have 4 or more intact bitches (again, no distinction between older bitches that you are not breeding or puppies that you are running on), this law will affect you. It opens your home to be inspected by the USDA and having your home conform to guidelines that are impossible for the average home to meet. If you don't want to contribute money then don't, however, you are doing harm by stating your opinion as a fact regarding this law when you are quite wrong.

No, this law doesn't affect me because I don't ship.

"It opens your home to be inspected by the USDA and having your home conform to guidelines that are impossible for the average home to meet."

Such as??? I'm a hobby breeder not a large scale breeder, my dogs live in my home. If I were to apply for a license, what guidelines specifically are you referring to that will be impossible for the average home to meet?

Re: Fight against the Aphis Rule. Please donate.

You can check out the AKC web site. All the information is listed there.

Re: Fight against the Aphis Rule. Please donate.


No, this law doesn't affect me because I don't ship.

"It opens your home to be inspected by the USDA and having your home conform to guidelines that are impossible for the average home to meet."

Such as??? I'm a hobby breeder not a large scale breeder, my dogs live in my home. If I were to apply for a license, what guidelines specifically are you referring to that will be impossible for the average home to meet?


I see why you don't oppose to this rule. Here is why you should not like this rule:

- You must get a license if you keep in your property more than 4 female animals that are capable of breeding (That includes any intact bitches, cats, rabbits, hamsters, etc.)


1 Ship at least 1 puppy ever. A lot of breeders do not ship, so that's why they think they are exempt from this rule, or
2 Sale at least 1 dog that was not born and raised in your property. Everybody has bought a puppy, or got a puppy as a stud fee payment or part of payment for another dog that didn't work out and decided to place it in a forever home, or
3 sale or buy any animal parts, they never mentioned it, but that might include semen.

If you meet any of these criteria, you fall into a commercial category and you must keep ALL your animals in a building that complies the USDA requirements:

Sterile-able floors and walls (that is tile, stainless steel, or vinyl; no bare concrete or wood, no bedding or dog houses. Everything must be completely sterile.
There is a criteria about space for each dog. Which is reasonable.
Separate room for pregnant females and puppies that meet the sterile criteria. The puppies must be kept in these sterile spaces with no bedding or toys or anything but the floor, walls and the food/water stainless steel plates. No more puppies in your living room or Kitchen.
You can't keep your pet dog in your home and the breeding dogs in the "commercial" building. All areas where the animals roam, must be washable and able to be disinfected with chlorine or hot steam. That includes your home if you want to keep dogs with you.

They can inspect your property unannounced any time they feel like it during business hours. If you are not home, you get a $$$ fine that will increase as you repeat until they revoke your license.

Record keeping is long and tedious. For example, every time you go for a walk, you must record it in a log. Every show, vet visit, family visits, must be in a log for every dog and kept for at least 1 year.

The list is long, but at the end you would have to choose between having a 100% commercial kennel or having pets in your home.

Do you care now???