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Re: Puppies wont eat!

Are they still getting a lot from Mom? Maybe try weaning then off. warmed lightly might work.

Re: Puppies wont eat!

Add a splash of goat milk or a little plain yogurt to the warm water. Yummy!

Re: Puppies wont eat!

Have you tried adding the RC mousse to the food? Mine LOVE it!

Re: Puppies wont eat!

Try some ground/dried alfalfa on their food. It's a good source of vitamins, helps calm stomach issues (if that may be part of it) and stimulates appetite.
Good luck! Anne

Re: Puppies wont eat!

Try some ground/dried alfalfa on their food. It's a good source of vitamins, helps calm stomach issues (if that may be part of it) and stimulates appetite.
Good luck! Anne

Please, do NOT give your puppies alfalfa. It mimics estrogen and is "possibly unsafe" in pregnancy and breast feeding. Lowers blood sugar, makes autoimmune diseases worse. Would you give alfalfa to a human infant??? Use common sense. If they aren't eating their food ground/dried alfalfa won't make it more desirable. These arm chair practitioners should get charged for practicing medicine without a license.

Re: Puppies wont eat!

I start weaning with Hill/Science IV, Puppy Formula-diluted, Infant rice cereal mixed into softened mashed puppy kibble for the first week and omit the Hill/Science the second week and switch to the goats milk and eventually an almost hard kibble. They love it and eat well and still nurse these weeks along with their feedings.

It's not cheap but the puppies are always healthy.

Re: Puppies wont eat!

When I've had a litter that isn't interested in their kibble, I add a couple of tablespoons of a good quaity canned food and stir it well so it mixes with the soaked kibble. That usually does the trick. I've also had puppies the hit 6 weeks or so and won't eat their food wet but do if it's dry. I make sure they always have a bowl of fresh water available to them.

Good Luck!

Re: Puppies wont eat!

Interesting, but I've read just the opposite from holistic vet sources. So far, no issues here.