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Re: Puke-a-thon

My "initial idea" would be they are all eating poop. That's what's going on here. We shovel it with them locked in the house. They all run out and even if we are out there with a bag and shovel we can't be under 7 different dog fannies at once. The days are short and they are out there pooping after 5PM in the dark--we can't see them eating it then. Suppose I could get a flash light and try--oh these golden years I so looked forward to. Remind me of this when I breed another litter and fall in love with another puppy :(

Re: Puke-a-thon

If they were eating poop I would think they would throw up some of it or at least their puke would smell like it. And yes, I'm out in the dark with a flashlight picking up poop - only 1 may eat it but I would rather she didn't!