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Re: 5 Day old puppy scabs

I suppose they could be anything, even bug bites, but given that they are on the back, I thought of dermoid cysts and sinuses, as in Ridgebacks. These are Labs, aren't they? That being said, they can occur in any breed, and have occurred in Goldens and in Lab/RR mixes, as well as other breeds.

If there is any chance that they may be dermoids, you need an experienced Ridgeback breeder to palpate the pups and a vet experienced in this. The chances of it being that in a Lab would be slim. Of course, if they are along the midline. . . .weirder things have happened.

Let us know what you find out. Thanks.

Re: 5 Day old puppy scabs

Sounds like a simple skin Staph infection, seen it several times. It is caused by a stratch on the baby then most probably the mom's milk gets in it and sets up the skin infection. Once it starts on one puppy it is easy to spread to the others. Take a puppy to your vet to be sure, they will prescribe a antibiotic soap (one brand is Etiderm made by Virbac) which you will start twice a day. The vet will give you directions, it is also on the bottle. It takes about two weeks for it to completely clear up but the spreading will stop after the 1st day.

Re: 5 Day old puppy scabs

Not sure if this is the same, but I had a friend w/ Goldens who had scabs and they ended up being mite related.

Re: 5 Day old puppy scabs

I agree with Gregg, sounds like a puppy staph infection of the skin. I have treated it with Betadine solution, warmed up a bit, sponge it all over the puppy, work it into the skin a bit, leave it on for a couple minutes and rinse thouroughly with warm water. Towel dry thouroughly, maybe use a hair dryer on warm as it is cold now. Repeat every day for three days or so, and it should resolve. Be careful not to chill a neonate. The betadine might stain the coat for awhile but it will wear off. Betadine is pretty benign, but if it gets worse while you are treating the puppy, discontinue and consult your vet.

Re: 5 Day old puppy scabs

Sounds like a simple skin Staph infection, seen it several times. It is caused by a stratch on the baby then most probably the mom's milk gets in it and sets up the skin infection. Once it starts on one puppy it is easy to spread to the others. Take a puppy to your vet to be sure, they will prescribe a antibiotic soap (one brand is Etiderm made by Virbac) which you will start twice a day. The vet will give you directions, it is also on the bottle. It takes about two weeks for it to completely clear up but the spreading will stop after the 1st day.
You're always right on Gregg. I've never seen it but when I do, I'll be contacting you. I highly doubted it was RR cysts. I think you hit the nail on the head with the hammer once again.

I keep coming back here for the knowlegable breeders like you. Original Poster; this is the breeder who is giving you the best advice.