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Re: Nursing mom vomitting help

Take her temperature and feel her breasts for unusual swelling/firmness. My bitch got mastitis and turned septic really fast. I had to take her to the emergency to get antibiotics and fluids in her asap.

Good luck!

Anyone awake? I have a mom of 3 week old pups vomiting everything up right now. She just nursed, drank water and vomited again! All the water next to her whelping area. Thankfully a dog recovering from his neuter is in his kennel in the same room and barked to wake us. What a mess I just cleaned up and she's still vomiting every time she drinks. Any ideas?

Of course I'll start pups on moistened solids if this keeps up. I did feed her quite a bit of left over fish from our lunch yesterday, that's the only thing I can think of. I shouldn't have done that. Help!

Re: Nursing mom vomitting help

Thank you for your timely reply. You'd think after nursing several of my own, I would have thought of that. I did find one hard spot on a back sack. I could massage most of it out. Roads are impassable here today, every school is closed and my thermometer needs a new battery! I gave her pepto and started Amoxicillin. She's keeping water down now and looks "happy'. I'll continue with the Amoxicillin and working on the little bit of lump left.

I'm so glad you responded, in the middle of the night I was thinking intestinal blockage. She's pooping fine and now hasn't vomited since 4 am.

Re: Nursing mom vomitting help

You're welcome. I hope she is continuing to do well. Thanks for the update.

Re: Nursing mom vomitting help

I would also consider moving the recovering male dog out of the room, it may be upsetting her more than you would think. Hope your bitch is feeling better now.