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Re: Buggy Food

I would take a good picture of what you see in the food and look for the lot # and date. Are you sure it's bugs and not mold?

What food, size and formula is this? so others who are feeding the same food will check theirs.

Re: Buggy Food

OK so this is a first for me. Towards the bottom of a bag of dog food, while scooping tonight I notice what looks like stringy fluff, like cobwebs or the stuffing from a dog bed. Closer inspection reveals some kind of dead furry bugs. I ditch what's left in the bag and open a new one (purchased at the same place but maybe not at the same time), no issues at least in the food at the top. Dogs show no signs of issue from eating the food from the buggy bag, so I assume there is nothing to worry about. Obviously I will contact the manufacturer and the retailer. Anything else to think about?

I have seen this time to time when I worked at a petstore. I think you are on the right track.

Re: Buggy Food

It's mealy bugs. Stores can get infestations. Take it back and shop elsewhere.