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Re: The genetics of ectopic ureters in Labrador Retrievers

Kate Fulkerson, PhD
Correct diagnosis is a serious issue. In my last litter I had a young bitch who had frequent UTIs that only partially responded to antibiotics.

With that history, the very experienced vet doing the ultrasound thought she saw an ectopic ureter. But we decided to culture the urine and found that she had a bug not responsive to the drugs we were giving her.

Changed antibiotics. A year later. No further UTIs or problems of any sort. Obviously not an ectopic ureter.

Diagnosis is a serious issue.

Glad you had a good outcome. All mine except one were pretty obvious. I have a great surgeon in Pennsylvania who was able to laser most of them, and they are all fine pets. One presented as a UTI initially, but later needed to be lasered. All have been females. Sharing my story is a bit uncomfortable, since I'm airing my laundry in public, but I just wanted to share info and support research.

Re: The genetics of ectopic ureters in Labrador Retrievers

Susan, I admire you sharing your troubles with ectopic ureter. I was really upset when there was any possibility of an ectopic ureter in my young girl. I had to wait a week while the urine was cultured and then another couple weeks before we were relatively sure she had an infection rather than an ectopic ureter.

I am thrilled to know that laser helped your girls. The alternative of untreatable is fairly disastrous. I had to live with the possibility of ectopic ureter long enough to research outcomes and pray.

Are we sure ectopic ureter is a genetically transmitted problem? Kate

Re: The genetics of ectopic ureters in Labrador Retrievers

Kate Fulkerson, PhD
Susan, I admire you sharing your troubles with ectopic ureter. I was really upset when there was any possibility of an ectopic ureter in my young girl. I had to wait a week while the urine was cultured and then another couple weeks before we were relatively sure she had an infection rather than an ectopic ureter.

I am thrilled to know that laser helped your girls. The alternative of untreatable is fairly disastrous. I had to live with the possibility of ectopic ureter long enough to research outcomes and pray.

Are we sure ectopic ureter is a genetically transmitted problem? Kate

well, again, i produced 5 in a small breeding program……maybe it's something else, but IMO, there is a genetic component. Hence, let the researchers research...

Re: The genetics of ectopic ureters in Labrador Retrievers

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