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Re: Family vacation in Paris


You should obviously visit all main attractions like the Eifel Tower, Sacre Couer, Arc de Triumph and Notre Dame.

Try to get a hotel in the central are since the town is really large and you cannot really walk between these places. However, metro is easy, safe and very convenient.

Remeber that Decmber is cold in Paris, best time to visit is in the sprine, ie April or May.

If you go with you husband, dont foget to visit the romantic area of Montmarte(just at Sacre Couer) with all artists etc.

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I’m going to Paris with my family soon and I’m wondering what to see and do?!

Re: Re: Family vacation in Paris

Thank you for your great tips. I will visit Montmarte!

Yes I guess it's a bit cold in December, but we ahve vacation now so..

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You should obviously visit all main attractions like the Eifel Tower, Sacre Couer, Arc de Triumph and Notre Dame.

Try to get a hotel in the central are since the town is really large and you cannot really walk between these places. However, metro is easy, safe and very convenient.

Remeber that Decmber is cold in Paris, best time to visit is in the sprine, ie April or May.

If you go with you husband, dont foget to visit the romantic area of Montmarte(just at Sacre Couer) with all artists etc.

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Replying to:

I’m going to Paris with my family soon and I’m wondering what to see and do?!